Millie never worried. Some called her simple, soft, touched, retarded. Those with the cruelest words didn't know her before. Before the world she believed in, trusted shattered into a million pieces; jagged, lonesome and worthless.
Milling wasn't a stunning beauty but she was purely, lovely. She was kind, thoughtful and helpful. She married a good man; Robert Waters and loved being Mrs. Bobby Waters. He was decent, hard working, honest, adoring and doting on his wife and later Robert Junior or Lil Bee as he came to be know since he was always buzzing, busy and doing something. What a happy little family.
Her Bobby wasn't just a fantastic husband but also an important man of science. His work at the Air Force Base was very hush-hush. He even had a top security clearance badge on him at all times AND a gun. Millie knew he wasn't allowed to talk about what he did or where he went. He wasn't allowed to discuss the things he saw, even when the newspapers began to accuse the government of hiding things; people, aliens... Area 51 was not something mentioned. Ever. Millie always waved it off: lots of beakers, tubes, and toys. "Boys grow older, but they are still boys underneath and always look for new ways to play war and save the world from alien monsters." she often teased, until the day he didn't come home. After seventeen years of marriage to have him not call, not show, she was understandably in a state. She called his work (something only done one other time when Lil Bee was making his debut and she wanted him to stop for a sandwich to eat during their baby's long delivery). No one there acted as if they even knew him.
Another day
Another week.
A month. then two.
Then Millie had herself a dream:
Angels came. They told her she could see her Big Bobby again if she did one simple thing for them.
Grow flowers and spread cheer.
It was a no-brainer to Miss Millie and so she cleared out her other flowerbeds and greenhouse where she used to toil and fuss to begin a new project; one she felt was as top secret as anything Big Bobby had ever done. In fact, it was all FOR her Bobby. The angels said it was okay. Millie's green thumb made the new endeavor easy and successful. Nothing to it. The tiny little sprouts flourished and blossomed. And Millie doted on her new "babies". Once she had raised the first batch and allowed them to seed themselves and become strong, she began to share them, as promised. And everyone loved them. They were petite, delicate and more fragrant than anything anyone had seen in eons. They were almost intoxicating. The smell was delicious. She took them to church first and gave them to those in need of a little cheer. People were flattered and grateful (that it wasn't one more casserole to freeze AND) for her thoughtfulness. The blooms lasted forever it seemed and were so very hearty that most people just tossed them in the ground, happy to try their own hand at Millie's lil pick-me-ups. Millie happily kept at it. Being sure to inform everyone that the Angels brought them. As time went on, as Millie kept spreading cheer and the town began to pay it forward with the tiny angel flowers, The change in Millie began to slowly draw attention. but by then, it was too late.
The mutterings about seeing Bobby had all been interpreted as dreaming of him. Then she was found wandering around town with plants in her hand and leaving them at business steps, giggling about the angels and how happy they would be. Folks worried for her lil busy Bee. It was duly noted that he was missing school. But no one really wanted to correct or admonish Millie. She was doing the best she could of course. and the flowers WERE lovely. Why just here ... have one.. a gift from me to you... and so it went. Those silly little things just made everyone so... happy.
The boy never really knew or understood what had happened. He heard his daddy ran off, was a drunk, killed a man, and was abducted by aliens. He grew up fast, learned to fight and had only his Mama who was considered a little "skewed" to rely on. After his dad disappeared, Mama faded away, was not affectionate and seemed at times to forget he existed. He knew and appreciated only that with those flowers blooming and going out as gifts, his Mama was more willing to participate in the world. He was grateful for those times even though they were becoming few and far between.
Lil Bee was hiding in the closet when he discovered the truth. He found it in an old box at the back of the guest closet. He never could imagine why they had a guest room, guest closet, guest linens, when no one ever came. but he found them; journals, about eight or nine of them, written by his dad about some of the work he had been doing at the base. The crash of the UFO had been quickly covered up as were the contents. Of the life forms discovered inside, two were dead and autopsied and one was kept alive in a tank. communication was choppy at best. As the craft sat in storage awaiting testing, it was noted that tiny flowers began to grow. The "pollen" was analysed and found to actually be a parasite which emitted a pleasurable, favorable odor that encouraged inhalation. Upon contact, the creature would begin to take root, building fibrous bridges and networks up the nasal cavity through to brain where it would encapsulate the hippocampus, amygdala and then invade the frontal cortex using its pathways almost like a straw to dissolve and destroy gray matter but allowing the host to function with what was left; short term memory, repetitive triggers and encouragement. They became demented, simple zombies capable of only chores and functions necessary to survive ~ for the invader. The government had been ecstatic at this discovery despite the fact that his two best friends had been exposed as Guinea pigs and had been destroyed. This was when Bobby began to destroy the plants and the data. He had smuggled out his notes on how they survived and how to kill them. The last entry was the day before his father disappeared.
The young man staggered down the steps and sat in front of the computer. Lil Bee fired up his game after shrinking his mother's main window. He was in the middle of a death match when the light began to blink. Clicking back he discovered his mom's website. She had begun to ship those little bastards all over the US and even into Canada. His stomach churned as he rushed to his room, hearing her pull in to the drive and sing up to the door. She was happily going on about seeing Bobby as the angels promised. She walked in, found the diaries and sat down. Her long thin fingers seem to grip the pages tighter and tighter the more she reads. Her stomach grew thin and watery. Her head hurt as if being stuffed with thick damp heavy cotton while poor Millie tried to comprehend what her husband wrote; what he and this great nation had done. It seemed like a dime store science fiction novel. She closed the books and headed up to Lil Bee to ask what this meant to him but he wouldn't let her in. He didn't respond or come out. She ate dinner alone for five days. Then it was time to visit his father and the angels. Certain that her friends would know how to handle this, Millie perked up a bit, forgetting to run the dishwasher again. It has been mistakenly filled with dirty clothes. Millie continued to sweetly sing and go about her strange chores like dipping her water glass in the toilet to drink and doing her business outside. Wait til Mr Johnson sees THAT! On the night of her visit she washed herself with a paper towel and spritzes of Windex, attempting make up and waiting for their signal. Excited to see her Bobby and anticipating help from the Angels with her problem. When the noises and whisperings start, Millie began to fidget and pace. The light came and she stood, walking proudly into it as she had for so long, with the books she needed to show them.
Time dissolved. for Millie. The Angels were very eager to help her with her problem.
That next morning, Lil bee sadly moped in bed. He didn't going to school and nobody missed him. He realized the whole town is going funky over his mom's weird flowers. "Like they're all stoned ... " he laughed to himself. The stores on Maine are growing thin with stock on their shelves. He saw people's mailboxes overflowing and newspapers just stacked up in the driveways. Everyone was wearing the same thing, all the time. They wandered around their yards, tending their flower gardens, but no one seemed interested in much else.
There was a soft knock.
"No." he muttered flatly, covering his head. A small giggle, another little tap and that is all. More than an hour drifts by before he opens the door.
The tiny flower sat innocently in the sprout pot; almost waving to him. He picked it up and stared at it with hate and disgust. Millie jumped from around the corner and blew a puff of breath over the flowers
"Gotcha!" she heehawed and tottered down the hall.
Startled, Lil Bee swiped at his face. But he hesitates, noticing the most wonderful smell. It tingled in his nose and behind his eyes but in a silly ticklish way. It smelled amazing. He sniffed the plant again and again. His mother continued to laugh from behind the bathroom door.
Lil Bee smiled too for the first time in weeks; months. He heared the Angels his mother had talked about for a long time. They told him he could see his father soon. If he just pays it forward and gives someone he knows ...
a thoughtful little flower. He can think of nothing better.
Soon, he will simply think of nothing.
I kinda like this one although it is a story versus an interaction. Even with minimal dialogue, I think it's creepy even while it gently plods along. To realize the magnitude and damage of paying it forward... very "Body Snatchers" -ish. Minus the Donald Sutherland scream at the end (it's an old movie I know but it sure scared the bejeesus out of me with that scream... even now!) So I hope you liked it and I am sure glad you stopped in to see me.
I hope your week is good and nice things come your way. We all need nice things... want a little flower???
heehee.. so wrong.
Hope to see you soon.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
And so I am late once again. Excuses I have none. I can only tell you I got lost in research on this one and need to sift facts and bend things to make the story I want. It is good and I don't want to rush or miss out on a fabulous plot twist. :)
If you throw in the hectic chaos of every day life, I am tired, frustrated and blue.I hope we can visit soon, perhaps toward the end of the week? With the kids finishing their school year, I am also running like crazy.
Okay. Maybe I have one or two excuses. I thought I left them in my other purse. Hmm... how 'bout that? heehee
I hope that all the dads out there enjoy their special day. Cheech is, here at Promises. May what's left of your weekend be filled with love, happiness and best of all laughter.
Take care and I'll see you soon.
Much love, many hugs.
If you throw in the hectic chaos of every day life, I am tired, frustrated and blue.I hope we can visit soon, perhaps toward the end of the week? With the kids finishing their school year, I am also running like crazy.
Okay. Maybe I have one or two excuses. I thought I left them in my other purse. Hmm... how 'bout that? heehee
I hope that all the dads out there enjoy their special day. Cheech is, here at Promises. May what's left of your weekend be filled with love, happiness and best of all laughter.
Take care and I'll see you soon.
Much love, many hugs.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Just Relaxin
"Slow down."
"Take time to stop and smell the roses."
"Enjoy life"
The words she heard at some point every day. Nina knew that there were wonderful things in life; she was lucky enough to have a few: a good husband, a reasonable job, a beautiful baby, a house and car that weren't in danger of being repoed, money in the bank and even money to "play" with. Yes, Nina understood luck and hard work and knew all to well how exhausting it was.
So there was only a little guilt when she called in sick to work; the job where she had sacrificed long hours, more than one weekend and even a holiday or two. Yes, today Nina would play hooky, and smell the roses, enjoy life and slow down.
She lay in bed eyes wide and dry at 3AM, too excited to sleep. She was actually going to call in sick when she wasn't. She was going to tell her boss, the woman who had the spider eating frown, the voice of damp jagged rocks being jostled on chipped glass, and the hair the color of a villainous carrot with the style kindred to a Barbie Doll who's fallen asleep near a running fan that she would not be in today. She had practiced it in the mirror and even coerced her husband to play the malevolent recipient of the call. James would wrinkle his face as if he were straining to poop and toss in a shriek of
"Just how COULD you do this to me today? Of aaaaaall days! "
But Nina held her own and eventually after much giggling, eye rolling, snort-laughter that was converted to weak coughing, she received James' thumbs up.
"You are ready Young One."
But she couldn't call now. Too early. Six? Five? hmmm she would have to think. Slowly she slipped from beneath the covers and padded down the hall to peek at the baby. Caroline was busy in "The Land of Nod" complete with tiny chin-bops, nose wriggling and startled arms as if she were in a happy stick-up. Winken, and Blinken would surely take care of her for just a little longer she thought to herself and continued down the hall to her favorite chair. Piling down with a blanket and some paper, she began to make the list of things to do:
Get the car washed
run dishwasher
grocery for supper!! yummy surprise!
clean bathrooms
finish laundry
She smiled to herself, not too much to do, a lot of time to do it and according to the weather app on her phone, the PERFECT day to do it. She chewed on the end of her pen and added something slowly...
Nina chuckled and sat comfortably in the dark. She let the house sigh around her and was soothed by the sounds in it; the soft snoring of her baby, the gentle rustle of the blankets as James searched for her in his sleep. The plip plop of the sink as it dripped ...
she frowned and added to her list: Fix drip
and closed her eyes waiting for the day to catch up to her. She hoped it wouldn't be this slow ALL day long.
At five the baby stirred, ate but didn't want to go back down for her usual milk drunk 2 hour siesta. it was all right, Nina didn't have to get ready for work. She would call at 6:30 and deliver the bad news. A little guilty grumbling in her belly had to be shushed as she and her daughter played blocks quietly. James got up and started his coffee. He watched them in the doorway and smiled.
"Still going through with it you slacker?"
"Irresponsibly so." she chirped.
He kissed her head and sauntered down the hall to get ready for his meeting.
The first sign that the wheels were coming off her wagon occurred when his first dress shirt boasted a stain just outside his tie line, the second cracked a button on his sleeve. Then the hem of his pants caught on his shoe and he resembled a little boy playing dress up. It was not appreciated when she pointed this out since he was now late. The baby who had begun her day so joyously picked up on the bad vibes and wandered down the hall to the guest bathroom where she decided that the pot pourri in the lovely glass turtle bowl on the back of the toilet should, well, take a swim. In the lovely blue water. THEN it was unanimously decided by Stuffy Bear, and Lambie Lamb that there was a change in the forecast and for the poor turtle bowl, a hurricane would ensue. Oh yes the floods came and though Lambie Lamb and Stuffy bear were elated as was her daughter, Nina was not and discovered that the blue water stanined her ankles as she mopped and fished clear glass from the bowl as well as flower petals, seeds and other things Stuffy bear had shared with the plumbing including a few marbles, a keychain, and Thomas the Tank Engine. Nina got to clean the bathroom earlier than she anticipated. But tried to remain optimistic as she crossed it off her list.
James stumbled out the door with baby half dressed and sucking on a bagel. Nina watched cautiously over her coffee cup praying silently that the bad luck was getting dragged under the wheels of HIS car and not perching itself in hers.
She ventured to the grocery store after a quick pop of a dishwasher tablet and with the push of a button, it whirred to life eager to please her wish for eco wash and sani-dry. She wanted to buy lobster for bisque for supper with a fresh lemon thyme rice some sauteed "scary grass" and a delicate lemon tart for dessert. She had discovered a new wine that she thought they would like and after Bedtime for Baby... a little quiet adult time would be nice.
And so it was the seafood counter that whispered for her to run and choose a restaurant instead, but she "pishawed" it and rang the bell for service. A big bellied woman in dirty moose head slippers drove up on a scooter. Her shirt was stained from many mornings of dribbled Coca Cola. Nina deduced this by the "Big Gulp" glass tottering in the scooter's basket and her almost tic-like motion of shaking droplets of it from her hands and wiping her mouth with the back of her arm ~ dragging it along her thin pale lips. The woman adorned herself with huge bobble earrings and a long eyeglass chain to which were no eyeglasses but duct taped a magnifying glass; made of plastic and horribly scratched but it showed off some of the letters fading from the black long shorts she had on. The message to everyone was: Business in the front. Nina shivered at the phrase that just HAD to be tramp stamped across the back. It was this time of reflection that the woman used to butt in front of Nina at the counter.
"I wan thum catfith" she barked.
Nina cleared her throat and stepped up, placing her hand on the counter. The woman hobbled over and crunched Nina's toes with her cane. She yelped and stepped back. The old troll chuffed like a sick dog and pulled her oxygen tube up over her forehead.
"AND THRIMP! I wan thrimp!"
Nina stood back allowing her toe to stop throbbing and rather enjoyed the view. Sure enough the woman's shorts read "Party in the back" The younger, injured woman couldn't help noticing that if there WERE to be a party back there... A LOT of people could be entertained.
A satisfied cackle came from the hobbit as she shuffled back to the witch mobile. She backed up, side swiped an end cap of rice cakes, turned and careened into Nina's cart. Rather than backing up, the woman continued forward, grinding and forcing Nina's cart to shimmy. At last thinking she was free, the scooter was turned up to spree shopping speed but continued down the aisle with Nina's cart as captive. Sighing heavily she tailed after the slurping delicate flower and rescued her few select produce from the Cheetos munching piglet with bobble earrings.
Nina became acutely aware of the gargoyle's whereabouts in the store and was free of her until checkout when the woman slid up behind her and began to slowly push forward, nudging the cart into Nina as she unloaded it. If Nina looked up the old woman hacked or smiled the most yellow and tan teeth she'd ever seen. There was so much plaque that the teeth in her mouth had become one tooth; shiny, and almost greasy with no lines of separation. Nina finished unloading and pulled her cart around for the bags. The woman charged forward and wracked Nina's blue ankles one too many times. Pretending to need a pack of gum, she towered over the urchin in the seat and asked her sweetly to back it up so she could get some mints. With a cute shrug of her shoulders she stepped back and back forcing the the scooter out of the cattle shoot. Another woman with just a few items was standing there. Nina reached down for the mints and plucked the connecting wire to the battery of the cart. She stood, smoothed her shirt and invited the third woman to "come on in"
The angry bull's mouth flew open and a little bit of coke dribbled out to make a new addition to the soda mosaic on her not so fresh shirt. There was a hissing and Nina couldn't tell if it was from her oxygen hose or the fury bubbling inside her. She glowered at Nina and with her sweaty nubby fingers gripped the handle of the grocery car. She was going to run Nina over at full speed. but as she clicked the "gas"...
Nothing. the beast began to rock in the cart and snort like a tantruming child. Nina turned, guided the third woman in and strolled out with her groceries.
Another thing crossed off the list
Amusing herself with the thought of "thwimp and catfith" limply going to waste as the angriest most bloated hobbit of the shire sat stranded and helpless in grocery scooter, she headed home a little behind schedule but still in control; until she got in the house and discovered the dishwasher had barfed all over the kitchen floor. Macaroni water and soggy cereal drifted lazily along the tile floor.
"Ohhh NO ~ REALLY?" she asked the ceiling. she knelt down and began to scoop water from around the still hot element that also claimed the lives of several pieces of Tupperware leaving a pliable plastic goo in the bottom. After that was accomplished, she discovered a use for some of the more advanced yoga moves she had learned in class and disassembled the cover, removed the clogging, sinful piece of pasta standing in the way of her sparkling dishes, and reconstructed her appliance. When finished she stood tall and assumed the hero pose, wishing for a cape and a slight breeze to help her celebrate.
Then she looked at the clock to discover she was truly late. With a nod to the time piece she jumped back in to action, determined to fulfill her hooky day prophecy of accomplishing much and taking a nap. It was already passed 3pm so she had to get a move on. She only had two hours left. A load of laundry went in the washer and she dashed up the stairs to fetch the vacuum. She zipped down the hall dancing behind the zippy sucker and ventured toward the steps and around the hallway. She made it as far as the dining room before the hose popped free and sprayed her singing mouth full of carpet sprinkle and dust. Nina blinked with disbelief and coughed up a tiny cloud of dust. Then to her astonishment, the washer began to clank and rattle.
"Nonononono!" she mutter and rushed to the back of the house where her trusty washer had begun to walk through the laundry room like a disengaged toddler seeking a playmate. She flipped open the lid and began to pull soaked clothes dripping all over the floor and rebalanced the machine.. she fired it up again and went back to the exploding vacuum. She managed to reassemble the hose and clean up the mess she'd made.
It was 5:05pm. No dinner had been started. No car had been washed. She had failed her supermom hooky duties. The frustration bubbled to the surface as a small choke and then a few tears. She sat down, twice as exhausted as a full day at the office.
James and the baby sauntered in calling after their favorite buddy.
There was no answer.
James called for her and searched the house, leaving her roses in the vase by her bed and smiled softly when he found her ~
Asleep in her daughter's playroom, curled up in a beanbag chair.
He went back to the kitchen and dialed their favorite pizza place,. Dinner could be delayed. He stood over her list laying on the counter and crossed of one last item for the hardest working slacker he knew.
A silly little piece ~ for a friend. The names have been changed to protect the magnificent and most scened depicted here are made up. They are strictly the opinions of the author and are intended for audiences looking to giggle and point.
Please enjoy responsibly.
Have a lovely night folks. It's always nice to have some good company. I am glad you came.
"Take time to stop and smell the roses."
"Enjoy life"
The words she heard at some point every day. Nina knew that there were wonderful things in life; she was lucky enough to have a few: a good husband, a reasonable job, a beautiful baby, a house and car that weren't in danger of being repoed, money in the bank and even money to "play" with. Yes, Nina understood luck and hard work and knew all to well how exhausting it was.
So there was only a little guilt when she called in sick to work; the job where she had sacrificed long hours, more than one weekend and even a holiday or two. Yes, today Nina would play hooky, and smell the roses, enjoy life and slow down.
She lay in bed eyes wide and dry at 3AM, too excited to sleep. She was actually going to call in sick when she wasn't. She was going to tell her boss, the woman who had the spider eating frown, the voice of damp jagged rocks being jostled on chipped glass, and the hair the color of a villainous carrot with the style kindred to a Barbie Doll who's fallen asleep near a running fan that she would not be in today. She had practiced it in the mirror and even coerced her husband to play the malevolent recipient of the call. James would wrinkle his face as if he were straining to poop and toss in a shriek of
"Just how COULD you do this to me today? Of aaaaaall days! "
But Nina held her own and eventually after much giggling, eye rolling, snort-laughter that was converted to weak coughing, she received James' thumbs up.
"You are ready Young One."
But she couldn't call now. Too early. Six? Five? hmmm she would have to think. Slowly she slipped from beneath the covers and padded down the hall to peek at the baby. Caroline was busy in "The Land of Nod" complete with tiny chin-bops, nose wriggling and startled arms as if she were in a happy stick-up. Winken, and Blinken would surely take care of her for just a little longer she thought to herself and continued down the hall to her favorite chair. Piling down with a blanket and some paper, she began to make the list of things to do:
Get the car washed
run dishwasher
grocery for supper!! yummy surprise!
clean bathrooms
finish laundry
She smiled to herself, not too much to do, a lot of time to do it and according to the weather app on her phone, the PERFECT day to do it. She chewed on the end of her pen and added something slowly...
Nina chuckled and sat comfortably in the dark. She let the house sigh around her and was soothed by the sounds in it; the soft snoring of her baby, the gentle rustle of the blankets as James searched for her in his sleep. The plip plop of the sink as it dripped ...
she frowned and added to her list: Fix drip
and closed her eyes waiting for the day to catch up to her. She hoped it wouldn't be this slow ALL day long.
At five the baby stirred, ate but didn't want to go back down for her usual milk drunk 2 hour siesta. it was all right, Nina didn't have to get ready for work. She would call at 6:30 and deliver the bad news. A little guilty grumbling in her belly had to be shushed as she and her daughter played blocks quietly. James got up and started his coffee. He watched them in the doorway and smiled.
"Still going through with it you slacker?"
"Irresponsibly so." she chirped.
He kissed her head and sauntered down the hall to get ready for his meeting.
The first sign that the wheels were coming off her wagon occurred when his first dress shirt boasted a stain just outside his tie line, the second cracked a button on his sleeve. Then the hem of his pants caught on his shoe and he resembled a little boy playing dress up. It was not appreciated when she pointed this out since he was now late. The baby who had begun her day so joyously picked up on the bad vibes and wandered down the hall to the guest bathroom where she decided that the pot pourri in the lovely glass turtle bowl on the back of the toilet should, well, take a swim. In the lovely blue water. THEN it was unanimously decided by Stuffy Bear, and Lambie Lamb that there was a change in the forecast and for the poor turtle bowl, a hurricane would ensue. Oh yes the floods came and though Lambie Lamb and Stuffy bear were elated as was her daughter, Nina was not and discovered that the blue water stanined her ankles as she mopped and fished clear glass from the bowl as well as flower petals, seeds and other things Stuffy bear had shared with the plumbing including a few marbles, a keychain, and Thomas the Tank Engine. Nina got to clean the bathroom earlier than she anticipated. But tried to remain optimistic as she crossed it off her list.
James stumbled out the door with baby half dressed and sucking on a bagel. Nina watched cautiously over her coffee cup praying silently that the bad luck was getting dragged under the wheels of HIS car and not perching itself in hers.
She ventured to the grocery store after a quick pop of a dishwasher tablet and with the push of a button, it whirred to life eager to please her wish for eco wash and sani-dry. She wanted to buy lobster for bisque for supper with a fresh lemon thyme rice some sauteed "scary grass" and a delicate lemon tart for dessert. She had discovered a new wine that she thought they would like and after Bedtime for Baby... a little quiet adult time would be nice.
And so it was the seafood counter that whispered for her to run and choose a restaurant instead, but she "pishawed" it and rang the bell for service. A big bellied woman in dirty moose head slippers drove up on a scooter. Her shirt was stained from many mornings of dribbled Coca Cola. Nina deduced this by the "Big Gulp" glass tottering in the scooter's basket and her almost tic-like motion of shaking droplets of it from her hands and wiping her mouth with the back of her arm ~ dragging it along her thin pale lips. The woman adorned herself with huge bobble earrings and a long eyeglass chain to which were no eyeglasses but duct taped a magnifying glass; made of plastic and horribly scratched but it showed off some of the letters fading from the black long shorts she had on. The message to everyone was: Business in the front. Nina shivered at the phrase that just HAD to be tramp stamped across the back. It was this time of reflection that the woman used to butt in front of Nina at the counter.
"I wan thum catfith" she barked.
Nina cleared her throat and stepped up, placing her hand on the counter. The woman hobbled over and crunched Nina's toes with her cane. She yelped and stepped back. The old troll chuffed like a sick dog and pulled her oxygen tube up over her forehead.
"AND THRIMP! I wan thrimp!"
Nina stood back allowing her toe to stop throbbing and rather enjoyed the view. Sure enough the woman's shorts read "Party in the back" The younger, injured woman couldn't help noticing that if there WERE to be a party back there... A LOT of people could be entertained.
A satisfied cackle came from the hobbit as she shuffled back to the witch mobile. She backed up, side swiped an end cap of rice cakes, turned and careened into Nina's cart. Rather than backing up, the woman continued forward, grinding and forcing Nina's cart to shimmy. At last thinking she was free, the scooter was turned up to spree shopping speed but continued down the aisle with Nina's cart as captive. Sighing heavily she tailed after the slurping delicate flower and rescued her few select produce from the Cheetos munching piglet with bobble earrings.
Nina became acutely aware of the gargoyle's whereabouts in the store and was free of her until checkout when the woman slid up behind her and began to slowly push forward, nudging the cart into Nina as she unloaded it. If Nina looked up the old woman hacked or smiled the most yellow and tan teeth she'd ever seen. There was so much plaque that the teeth in her mouth had become one tooth; shiny, and almost greasy with no lines of separation. Nina finished unloading and pulled her cart around for the bags. The woman charged forward and wracked Nina's blue ankles one too many times. Pretending to need a pack of gum, she towered over the urchin in the seat and asked her sweetly to back it up so she could get some mints. With a cute shrug of her shoulders she stepped back and back forcing the the scooter out of the cattle shoot. Another woman with just a few items was standing there. Nina reached down for the mints and plucked the connecting wire to the battery of the cart. She stood, smoothed her shirt and invited the third woman to "come on in"
The angry bull's mouth flew open and a little bit of coke dribbled out to make a new addition to the soda mosaic on her not so fresh shirt. There was a hissing and Nina couldn't tell if it was from her oxygen hose or the fury bubbling inside her. She glowered at Nina and with her sweaty nubby fingers gripped the handle of the grocery car. She was going to run Nina over at full speed. but as she clicked the "gas"...
Nothing. the beast began to rock in the cart and snort like a tantruming child. Nina turned, guided the third woman in and strolled out with her groceries.
Another thing crossed off the list
Amusing herself with the thought of "thwimp and catfith" limply going to waste as the angriest most bloated hobbit of the shire sat stranded and helpless in grocery scooter, she headed home a little behind schedule but still in control; until she got in the house and discovered the dishwasher had barfed all over the kitchen floor. Macaroni water and soggy cereal drifted lazily along the tile floor.
"Ohhh NO ~ REALLY?" she asked the ceiling. she knelt down and began to scoop water from around the still hot element that also claimed the lives of several pieces of Tupperware leaving a pliable plastic goo in the bottom. After that was accomplished, she discovered a use for some of the more advanced yoga moves she had learned in class and disassembled the cover, removed the clogging, sinful piece of pasta standing in the way of her sparkling dishes, and reconstructed her appliance. When finished she stood tall and assumed the hero pose, wishing for a cape and a slight breeze to help her celebrate.
Then she looked at the clock to discover she was truly late. With a nod to the time piece she jumped back in to action, determined to fulfill her hooky day prophecy of accomplishing much and taking a nap. It was already passed 3pm so she had to get a move on. She only had two hours left. A load of laundry went in the washer and she dashed up the stairs to fetch the vacuum. She zipped down the hall dancing behind the zippy sucker and ventured toward the steps and around the hallway. She made it as far as the dining room before the hose popped free and sprayed her singing mouth full of carpet sprinkle and dust. Nina blinked with disbelief and coughed up a tiny cloud of dust. Then to her astonishment, the washer began to clank and rattle.
"Nonononono!" she mutter and rushed to the back of the house where her trusty washer had begun to walk through the laundry room like a disengaged toddler seeking a playmate. She flipped open the lid and began to pull soaked clothes dripping all over the floor and rebalanced the machine.. she fired it up again and went back to the exploding vacuum. She managed to reassemble the hose and clean up the mess she'd made.
It was 5:05pm. No dinner had been started. No car had been washed. She had failed her supermom hooky duties. The frustration bubbled to the surface as a small choke and then a few tears. She sat down, twice as exhausted as a full day at the office.
James and the baby sauntered in calling after their favorite buddy.
There was no answer.
James called for her and searched the house, leaving her roses in the vase by her bed and smiled softly when he found her ~
Asleep in her daughter's playroom, curled up in a beanbag chair.
He went back to the kitchen and dialed their favorite pizza place,. Dinner could be delayed. He stood over her list laying on the counter and crossed of one last item for the hardest working slacker he knew.
A silly little piece ~ for a friend. The names have been changed to protect the magnificent and most scened depicted here are made up. They are strictly the opinions of the author and are intended for audiences looking to giggle and point.
Please enjoy responsibly.
Have a lovely night folks. It's always nice to have some good company. I am glad you came.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
What I Need
Has it really been this long? Oh my. Well no excuses, I just haven't been able to pick up a pen nor have I felt like striking a key; so much going on, life gets in the way while making plans. And right this minute, my life is upside down. Oh well my loves, better days ahead. Of this, I am sure.
But leave it to my piglet to provide a moment or two of reality and recognition that life .. should be laughed at. Always look for the giggle and point moments. They can save your sanity. Mine is unraveling, but he throws me a life line when I need it. I'll share these with you and let you smile along. Who can refuse a smile?
I snuck up to the lake in my new car, Gizmo (and I am in luv with him!) and the toddlers. It's peppy and adorable and SO me. Well off we go and I am feeling a little better than I have in weeks. I notice that Birdie is just sitting. She won't lie down and she is fidgeting. That isn't like her at all. I tried to comfort her, new car smell and different ride and all... but she was just unsettled. Then she showed me why. She was car sick. She threw up all over the front seat. FABULOUS. Well Winston took one look and decided THAT was the club HE most certainly wanted to join, so? Upchuck number two. Gizmo wondered why no one liked him. I got home to Promises and cleaned up (thank HEAVEN we were close to the house) and everyone settled in. I told Gizmo we were sorry and that it would be okay.
Well it's the beginning of the season and our gang was having its annual "opener". We were all excited to see each other and hang out; much giggling needed and anticipated for all. We also decided that we wanted to make it easy so it would just be a night of snacking. I chose carrot cake whoopie pies for dessert (They are truly decadent and wonderful and as I sit here and type... they qualify as the ultimate breakfast of this champion) The busy bee is me and began to bake and putter. I had most on a plate but about 8-10 were left cooling on the rack on the table. Keep that tucked away for a minute. You can call me a goof soon. I saw one of my extra kids out in the yard and stepped out to talk with her for a minute. She was frog hunting. I love frogs so I went with her.
And left the cookies WHERE? With WHO? *insert villainous music now*
Frogless, I scuffed up to the porch to hear Birdie going wild just inside the door. It was kind of a "Lassie" moment: "WHAT? The sheriff's tied up and the jail's burnin down? Well THANKS girl! LET'S GO!"
I walked in and asked "What? What??"
I heard scrambling and gulping.
I walked in to the kitchen to see five cookies on the rack and one mauled on the table but Winston was underneath scarfing down as many as he was able to scoot off the table. His mouth was CRAMMED full and he was chewing as fast as he could. He couldn't even get his face shut there was so much goin on in his mouth.
I guess the cookies were cooled down.
I pointed my finger at him and Birdie began to do the "Ha ha you're gonna GET it" dance. He lowered his head shamefully and kept chewing.
I put him in jail.
Once paroled, he joined us out on the back deck where snax and laughter were being served up in abundance. We had all seen a HUGE moth that was resting quietly along the back wall. It was the size of a bat. So of course with margaritas flowing for most; it became a "Mat" a "math" and a "both" (short "o") Nobody thought anything of it. Nobody but Winston. All of a sudden in the midst of our relaxing evening, there was this scurrying, snarling ruckus as my little piglet began pouncing, smacking and biting this moth.
The moth kicked my dog's arse. It had a stinger, or little poison antennae or SOMETHING because it gave my son a fat lip. We laughed until we thought we'd run out of breath because Win just kept after it and barking but you could hear his jowls come together with a slap; a kind of puppy lisp if you will.
Oh the stress relief that comes from laughter. Not much, it doesn't change the mess swirling around me right now, but combined with the love of those most near and dear it's
What I need.
I know it's not a lot, but it's the most I have at the moment. Thanks for all the support, encouragement and cyber hugs. It means a lot and I appreciate you all.
Much love, many hugs.
But leave it to my piglet to provide a moment or two of reality and recognition that life .. should be laughed at. Always look for the giggle and point moments. They can save your sanity. Mine is unraveling, but he throws me a life line when I need it. I'll share these with you and let you smile along. Who can refuse a smile?
I snuck up to the lake in my new car, Gizmo (and I am in luv with him!) and the toddlers. It's peppy and adorable and SO me. Well off we go and I am feeling a little better than I have in weeks. I notice that Birdie is just sitting. She won't lie down and she is fidgeting. That isn't like her at all. I tried to comfort her, new car smell and different ride and all... but she was just unsettled. Then she showed me why. She was car sick. She threw up all over the front seat. FABULOUS. Well Winston took one look and decided THAT was the club HE most certainly wanted to join, so? Upchuck number two. Gizmo wondered why no one liked him. I got home to Promises and cleaned up (thank HEAVEN we were close to the house) and everyone settled in. I told Gizmo we were sorry and that it would be okay.
Well it's the beginning of the season and our gang was having its annual "opener". We were all excited to see each other and hang out; much giggling needed and anticipated for all. We also decided that we wanted to make it easy so it would just be a night of snacking. I chose carrot cake whoopie pies for dessert (They are truly decadent and wonderful and as I sit here and type... they qualify as the ultimate breakfast of this champion) The busy bee is me and began to bake and putter. I had most on a plate but about 8-10 were left cooling on the rack on the table. Keep that tucked away for a minute. You can call me a goof soon. I saw one of my extra kids out in the yard and stepped out to talk with her for a minute. She was frog hunting. I love frogs so I went with her.
And left the cookies WHERE? With WHO? *insert villainous music now*
Frogless, I scuffed up to the porch to hear Birdie going wild just inside the door. It was kind of a "Lassie" moment: "WHAT? The sheriff's tied up and the jail's burnin down? Well THANKS girl! LET'S GO!"
I walked in and asked "What? What??"
I heard scrambling and gulping.
I walked in to the kitchen to see five cookies on the rack and one mauled on the table but Winston was underneath scarfing down as many as he was able to scoot off the table. His mouth was CRAMMED full and he was chewing as fast as he could. He couldn't even get his face shut there was so much goin on in his mouth.
I guess the cookies were cooled down.
I pointed my finger at him and Birdie began to do the "Ha ha you're gonna GET it" dance. He lowered his head shamefully and kept chewing.
I put him in jail.
Once paroled, he joined us out on the back deck where snax and laughter were being served up in abundance. We had all seen a HUGE moth that was resting quietly along the back wall. It was the size of a bat. So of course with margaritas flowing for most; it became a "Mat" a "math" and a "both" (short "o") Nobody thought anything of it. Nobody but Winston. All of a sudden in the midst of our relaxing evening, there was this scurrying, snarling ruckus as my little piglet began pouncing, smacking and biting this moth.
The moth kicked my dog's arse. It had a stinger, or little poison antennae or SOMETHING because it gave my son a fat lip. We laughed until we thought we'd run out of breath because Win just kept after it and barking but you could hear his jowls come together with a slap; a kind of puppy lisp if you will.
Oh the stress relief that comes from laughter. Not much, it doesn't change the mess swirling around me right now, but combined with the love of those most near and dear it's
What I need.
I know it's not a lot, but it's the most I have at the moment. Thanks for all the support, encouragement and cyber hugs. It means a lot and I appreciate you all.
Much love, many hugs.
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