Theirs was a great love story. He never hesitated to tell anyone who would listen about her initial rejection of him. He loved to play wounded heart. She always reminded him of her fear of the ferocity with which she absolutely adored him.
"Even now" she would whisper and kiss him.
They would laugh and hug.
So after they met and fell madly in love, they waited until they were all grown up before they shared and built a life; becoming one. They weren't clingy or needy but enjoyed each others' company the most. They also reveled in adventures and hobbies; his gardening, cooking; her writing, hiking... When they were apart for times; and that happened, they would sit and share; treasuring the absence as much as the reuniting; him in his chair and her in her squeaky wooden rocker.
And of course they loved. Boy did they! They happily made babies (after much thrilling practice and continued learning) loving them, loving the few, true friends they made and treasured; never forgetting each other, not taking their love for granted but striving to live out those vows as honestly as they could; with respect and laughter, accepting what was not; seeing and understanding they were themselves; perfectly flawed and in turn, their love was perfectly tailored to them.
Through it all; sickness, bad jobs, worse breaks and tough times, they simply grew stronger; leaning and relying; believing the other was invincible, unstoppable and courageous. Each night before the day declared itself the victor and they would collapse into bed comforted by blankets and the soothing touch of skin, he would tell her he loved her and that he would do the same tomorrow. She would always say "I'll be right here." And sleep would come before they were given the gift of a new day. Their life moved forward and they held hands, running with it where ever it took them. They dreamed and loved.
But life was careless. He began to forget; little things at first. Then more and they were scared. He helplessly watched himself fade until there was a stranger in the mirror, home and life and until it no longer mattered. He had a friend though. A nice lady who watched over him, made meals and picked up his stinky socks. It was kind of her to help him so much. She never came too close; him being a married man and all. He missed his wife and so he would tell her stories of their life together. She sat in a rocking chair in the corner; listening patiently and it touched him how moved she'd be. She would laugh and cry with him. It made him smile softly sometimes; this kindness of a stranger. Maybe she had loved like that once. He couldn't explain his feelings but she brought him calm and comfort. Safety? Maybe. she was a very good woman, even when he was in a bad mood, she would stay and wait out the storm.
And then the nice lady got sick. She couldn't eat and she got real skinny. It made him scared so he called her kids. He had asked her to put their numbers in the phone in case he needed them for something. Some times his memory wasn't what it used to be. Well they came and then they all cried because she just kept getting smaller and leaving them in tiny bits. They whispered around him and smiled gently at him. He hated that. He wished they were his kids. He wished he had family to hold. He was scared to be without her; of being alone. He would go to her at night and sit next to her bed after asking her children if it was all right. They always said yes. And the lady would turn to him and look at the chair next to her bed. He would sit and she would say "Tell me something you remember best..." and he would tell her of places he had visited with his beautiful wife. She seemed so comforted by that and it made him feel good make her happy; for just a moment.
Then one morning, she sighed and was gone. His world was filled with fear and strangers. He became agitated and grouchy; more forgetful. Some people came and took some of his stuff. Thieves. Then they kidnapped him and put him in a hotel where there was stuff just like the stuff they took. He was going to call the police but there were so many others who were held captive, that it had to be the police that did it. They fed him though and cleaned his cell. Tuesdays they had ice cream cake and Saturdays was macaroni and cheese. The other prisoners seemed okay and in good health. They let them watch movies and play billiards. Doctors visited and so he was sure they kept them alive for ransom. He wondered if he should write a book for someone to find when his end came. He'd dedicate it to a really nice woman he'd met. He loved her. Too bad she never knew. Each night he would sit in a squeaky rocking chair and look at the stars, thinking of his wife and the nice lady who helped him.
"I'll love you tomorrow." he promised the night.
At last, after many lonely days, too many to count or remember, a breeze whispered a reply he recalled hearing.
"I'll be right here."
He wasn't afraid anymore as memories flooded back to him and he reunited with the kindest stranger he had loved all along. He said her name and recognized her face when she finally came to collect him.
And their love continued. As always.
For you, my love, the best friend I've ever known; my life. I'll be right here; as always.
Thank you for coming to visit. I enjoyed our little cry today. Was I the only one?
Until next time.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
She wasn't too afraid at first; thinking she would get home, like any other time. The storm erupted suddenly and had been awful. The night was cruel, unusually dark and the rain seemed to jab at her sideways. The car was going to0 fast, skidding off off the road before she could understand what was happening. She bumped and clanged as it clattered down an embankment. There was the sudden searing pain of impact, stench of burning rubber and the yelp of breaking glass followed by a warm gush and the smell of her own blood and then, the night closed in to have a closer look at her. Time was lost.
It was the hurt that brought her around; in her legs, along her back and the side of her head. Yep, all there but wow. She was certain it was all broken. Rain was still laughing at her along the roof of the car. She slowly moved and managed to wiggle out through the broken window, accumlating only a few more gouges and scrapes. Panic burned gently in her pulsing head. She needed to get away from here. She stood up on wobbly legs and tried to breathe deeply. Her lungs burned as she coughed, spitting out some blood mixed with the first twinges of fear. Looking around, she saw nothing but the night and twinkling raindrops. Slowly, she staggered, having no idea what else to do. Mud caked and clung to her as she wandered along the road hoping someone would stop to help, but the few cars that passed were in too great a hurry so they splashed her instead. A couple even honked as if she had intruded or startled them but it still wasn't enough for anyone to pull over. The lights hurt her head so she did what she thought was logical and left the road to go into the woods hoping for a driveway or a house. She was lost.
She walked and ached for hours becoming disoriented from hunger (she hadn't eaten since the previous morning she sadly remembered.) She wasn't sure of the time or even the day. Had she been unconscious long? She just felt wet all the way to her soul. She missed her family; time sitting together, laughing and playing. The hunger pangs gnawed in time with the throbbing of her body. She knew she needed help and she was trying to find it. So where was God's merciful aid? Isn't that what people said? God helps those who help themselves? Well, she was doing her best soooo "Throw me a bone Big Guy..." she thought bitterly through the stings and pains. At last, she sat under a pine tree and pulling at the needles, found a bit of rye grass. Her stomach grabbed at the meager offerings and she closed her eyes... just for a few....
When she came around again, the sky was still weeping but the clouds were turning violet. She had to think.. and then her heart sank, she'd been out for the entire day; at least one. She was in the middle of another night. She sat up and tried to move but her muscles had stiffened so the pain screamed at her to stop. Fear again pinched her, reminding her just how much she wanted to get out of here. She wanted to be safe and warm and dry and fed and ... anywhere but here. Alone. She was too hurt and tired to even cry so she slumped back and whimpered a bit. She looked around at her dismal surroundings; using her desire to get out to force herself up. She groaned against the grinding in her bones, trying to shake off the wet. It only seemed to make matters worse: more rain, more storm, more pain. But she limped and staggered on. Her mind was foggy and confused. She thought of family. Had there been one? Long ago perhaps. Or was it a dream? In the distance, she heard gravel crunching; movement and fought her way back to the road. Maybe they would know. Someone. Anyone. On her way back up she pulled absently at some berries wincing at the prickling pain and chuffed. She was forgetting what it was NOT to hurt. Hunger pulled again and she heaved. Her head swam as the trees, the road, the world seemed to tilt.
She stood at the street, looking both ways into the dark emptiness. Despair pushed her down and hopelessness snuggle under her skin in an attempt to soothe her. It talked her into lying down so she would hurt less. The aches and pain she had been fighting began to melt into the wet, puddled ground. Her pulse thrummed in her ears, steadily encouraging her to give up, give in, stay down, sleep long...She understood and accepted it. She would die out here alone with only the pinging, incessant rain to weep for her. She felt her breathing slow as the forever sleep warmly wrapped around her like a comforting blanket. " It won't be so bad" Death promised in the distance ~ a dream was it? She dreamt of lights and noises; of life and in this last dream she felt a hand on her head; a voice drenched in concern:
Her eyes fluttered open and startled, she flinched, pulling away from the mass above her.
"Easy. You're all right. Safe" the voice continued. An angel. She shouldn't be afraid of an angel.
She felt herself being carried and wondered why her ascent into Heaven was so bumpy. She at last felt warmth and she relaxed and rested. The stirrings of hunger confused her. Did she eat in Heaven? She raised her head to see a man smiling down at her; her angel. He softly brushed her face.
"Nice to see you. You had me scared for a bit, but you'll be all right"
And he stroked her fur once more. The dog wagged her tail and gave a happy half-pant. Yes. She would be all right here with her angel.
Sooooo how long before you figured it out? I loved this one just because of the ending. I know there were a couple of gaps but since this is flash fiction, I didn't feel they were serious infractions. I know, Tex, you will correct me if I'm wrong. (... VEHEMENTLY! LOL Luv you Old Man) Well, I thought we could all use a little break from the nightmares. I have a couple of others coming down the pipe. (insert spooky music and sinister giggling) Well, I appreciate that you stopped by and stayed a bit. You make such good company. I would hate to sit here all alone and tell only myself these stories, so thank you.
Until next time...
It was the hurt that brought her around; in her legs, along her back and the side of her head. Yep, all there but wow. She was certain it was all broken. Rain was still laughing at her along the roof of the car. She slowly moved and managed to wiggle out through the broken window, accumlating only a few more gouges and scrapes. Panic burned gently in her pulsing head. She needed to get away from here. She stood up on wobbly legs and tried to breathe deeply. Her lungs burned as she coughed, spitting out some blood mixed with the first twinges of fear. Looking around, she saw nothing but the night and twinkling raindrops. Slowly, she staggered, having no idea what else to do. Mud caked and clung to her as she wandered along the road hoping someone would stop to help, but the few cars that passed were in too great a hurry so they splashed her instead. A couple even honked as if she had intruded or startled them but it still wasn't enough for anyone to pull over. The lights hurt her head so she did what she thought was logical and left the road to go into the woods hoping for a driveway or a house. She was lost.
She walked and ached for hours becoming disoriented from hunger (she hadn't eaten since the previous morning she sadly remembered.) She wasn't sure of the time or even the day. Had she been unconscious long? She just felt wet all the way to her soul. She missed her family; time sitting together, laughing and playing. The hunger pangs gnawed in time with the throbbing of her body. She knew she needed help and she was trying to find it. So where was God's merciful aid? Isn't that what people said? God helps those who help themselves? Well, she was doing her best soooo "Throw me a bone Big Guy..." she thought bitterly through the stings and pains. At last, she sat under a pine tree and pulling at the needles, found a bit of rye grass. Her stomach grabbed at the meager offerings and she closed her eyes... just for a few....
When she came around again, the sky was still weeping but the clouds were turning violet. She had to think.. and then her heart sank, she'd been out for the entire day; at least one. She was in the middle of another night. She sat up and tried to move but her muscles had stiffened so the pain screamed at her to stop. Fear again pinched her, reminding her just how much she wanted to get out of here. She wanted to be safe and warm and dry and fed and ... anywhere but here. Alone. She was too hurt and tired to even cry so she slumped back and whimpered a bit. She looked around at her dismal surroundings; using her desire to get out to force herself up. She groaned against the grinding in her bones, trying to shake off the wet. It only seemed to make matters worse: more rain, more storm, more pain. But she limped and staggered on. Her mind was foggy and confused. She thought of family. Had there been one? Long ago perhaps. Or was it a dream? In the distance, she heard gravel crunching; movement and fought her way back to the road. Maybe they would know. Someone. Anyone. On her way back up she pulled absently at some berries wincing at the prickling pain and chuffed. She was forgetting what it was NOT to hurt. Hunger pulled again and she heaved. Her head swam as the trees, the road, the world seemed to tilt.
She stood at the street, looking both ways into the dark emptiness. Despair pushed her down and hopelessness snuggle under her skin in an attempt to soothe her. It talked her into lying down so she would hurt less. The aches and pain she had been fighting began to melt into the wet, puddled ground. Her pulse thrummed in her ears, steadily encouraging her to give up, give in, stay down, sleep long...She understood and accepted it. She would die out here alone with only the pinging, incessant rain to weep for her. She felt her breathing slow as the forever sleep warmly wrapped around her like a comforting blanket. " It won't be so bad" Death promised in the distance ~ a dream was it? She dreamt of lights and noises; of life and in this last dream she felt a hand on her head; a voice drenched in concern:
Her eyes fluttered open and startled, she flinched, pulling away from the mass above her.
"Easy. You're all right. Safe" the voice continued. An angel. She shouldn't be afraid of an angel.
She felt herself being carried and wondered why her ascent into Heaven was so bumpy. She at last felt warmth and she relaxed and rested. The stirrings of hunger confused her. Did she eat in Heaven? She raised her head to see a man smiling down at her; her angel. He softly brushed her face.
"Nice to see you. You had me scared for a bit, but you'll be all right"
And he stroked her fur once more. The dog wagged her tail and gave a happy half-pant. Yes. She would be all right here with her angel.
Sooooo how long before you figured it out? I loved this one just because of the ending. I know there were a couple of gaps but since this is flash fiction, I didn't feel they were serious infractions. I know, Tex, you will correct me if I'm wrong. (... VEHEMENTLY! LOL Luv you Old Man) Well, I thought we could all use a little break from the nightmares. I have a couple of others coming down the pipe. (insert spooky music and sinister giggling) Well, I appreciate that you stopped by and stayed a bit. You make such good company. I would hate to sit here all alone and tell only myself these stories, so thank you.
Until next time...
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