She hummed quietly; a lullaby. This made her giggle. She never thought she'd be here. A baby! Well, baBIES. She rubbed her tummy and smiled. It was such an exciting time. She didn't have long to wait now, she could feel it. The young mother sighed and stared happily out the window. She brushed some dirty webs away from the corner. This would never do! The babies needed a cheery, love filled place. She began to clean and straighten. Oh how little Momma busied herself. She worked until she thought she'd fall over. Her back ached and her tiny legs seemed to threaten to give out all together. When she believed she was finished, she sat back, just for a moment to evaluate her work.
'Nope, nope...Not quite" she thought, shaking her head; and beginning again. "This must be what they call nesting." she mused. The process continued for the rest of the afternoon.
The sun was also busy; painting the sky with purples and pinks enticing the mother-to-be to stop; rest.
She sighed proudly and spoke softly to her children while looking out the little nursery window.
"I want you to be strong; to be wise. I want you to love and be successful. I don't want you to hurt or fail. I never want you to go hungry...I want to be a good mother." she sniffed back a frightened tear and wondered if all those things could come true. She wondered how she would care for them at the same time. She worried. All new mommies do.
The night became a velvety blanket flecked with tiny wishing stars. She sighed and dreamt of her babies, wishing for nothing but peace and a due date.
Morning found her yawning, glad to be one day closer. She slowly stirred and began her ritual; rearranging. She was just picking up some things, putting away last night's dinner when she felt it; a heavy knock in the pit of her growing tummy.
"OH!" This was it! She knew it. Excitement flooded her little momma body. She looked around hoping everything was in good shape. Briefly, she frowned for there was something out of place. She reached to fix it, but her belly tightened and pulled. The pain rumbled through her. "Whoaaaaa!" She winced and clutched herself. She wiped her face and cried out. Another wave crashed through her system. She went down, the pain was so searing she saw double.
"Oh NO!" she moaned. She knew something was wrong. She couldn't move. The labor and contractions came so quickly, she was unable to do anything but wail. She gasped for breath, feeling lightheaded. Her mouth was dry. Another pain tried to split her in two. She felt wet everywhere. She fell into a tiny ball, rocking back and forth. More pain marched in, screams flew out and there was not a soul to help her. It seemed like hours that she did this. She wondered how she could have carried them this long? She wondered if she would survive the unspeakable pain that was turning her inside out. Clutching the window, she fought to stand. She saw the sun. She had seen the babies' birthday. A tired smile crept over her face.
"My babies." she thought and closed her eyes. They would not open again. Motherhood had been fleeting, like her babies' breaths on her cheek that she wanted so desperately; that she could almost taste. Morning stared at her sadly and moved along with the rest of the world. Poor Mommy.
Through the dusty old basement window, he chomped his cigar swishing it carelessly from side to side.
"Down here?" he asked through meaty, shining lips.
He grumped and pulled at the door. It gave with a mournful shriek. "Sure. ALWAYS down here." and he started down the cracked cement steps. The bilco entrance was low, welcoming his forehead with a thick "whump". He rocked back and swore. No man like that belonged in the nursery. But there was no one to stop him now. He shined his light, focusing on a rocking horse, a cradle, a bent up bassinet. He sucked on the brown stump in his mouth and reached for his belt. Attached was a gun; thin and deadly. The babies lay sleeping; oblivious to the murderer loose in their delicate haven.
"Hoooo WEE!" he whistled shining his light over them. "We got ourselves a problem."
No one answered. The babies slept. Mommy never heard.
The man rubbed his sore forehead and set the tank down. He pumped it; once, twice, a dozen times. The gun hissed and sputtered; dousing the children in a smelly sleeping potion. He coughed into the crux of his elbow; a thick mucous tinged pink on his dirty, stained flannel shirt. One day soon he would be snoozing too; but not today. Today he was busy. The smell soaked the room, like sugary rust. He hummed and swished. The song wasn't a gentle lullaby but "The End" by The Doors.
They wouldn't have known the words anyway. There would be no success, no love, no strength. There was only rest. Her children didn't stand a chance.
When they were asleep forever, he pulled a greasy blue bandanna from his hip pocket, wiping his chin. There were still grains of soot and filth caught in the folds of his thick neck. He coughed some more, milky and deep. Turning to go he shook his head and met the bilco entrance once more. A punishing crack creased his brow. As punishment, he kicked the door shut and spat over the cigar.
"Kay." he gravelled at the porch. "I got em all."
"All?" the woman's little face could barely hold her large eyes.
"ALL." he laughed and scratched his butt. "Ain't never seen so many. But you don't worry no more." He coughed again into his elbow. There was a sticky stain there.
She looked away embarrassed and disgusted.
"" He stretched and yawned. "Biggest spider nest I've ever seen."
The frail solicitor paid him, following him down the drive where he got into the black van with tinted spade shaped windows; musing over the faded sign on its side:
Turning back, she stared at the dusty, web covered window only for a minute, then went back inside; oblivious to what she'd done.
The nursery was dark.
Okay, so here it is. I hope I gotcha a little bit. It was inspired by true events. I hope you liked it. I'm pretty pleased.
Thank you for coming. I am glad you did.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wow. Two weeks. Yes, Jennifer, I need a hero. I have begun to doubt what I've been doing for almost a year...that it isn't enough; that I will fall (odds are pretty high there) that I won't/can't finish. And the greatest (most plausible) fear? that I will get lost in those dom woods. We can all be thankful for the GPS around my leg. I worry that I've made a foolish decision...certainly not my first and probably not my last; especially if they do it again next year.... but enough of my doubts. Let's crank it up and head for the final days.
I LOVE this version! Know why? hmmmm drums? naaaah.
C'mon warriors, we're almost there. My hearts poundin already. I can't think of a better group to cross that line than you. There will be laughter, tears and HATS! YAY!
It's always been about the hat.
I LOVE this version! Know why? hmmmm drums? naaaah.
C'mon warriors, we're almost there. My hearts poundin already. I can't think of a better group to cross that line than you. There will be laughter, tears and HATS! YAY!
It's always been about the hat.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Break neck speed
Well well well Monday called and is on its way even though I asked it not to.
My weekend was fabulous. We giggled and pointed and were complete Yayas. Thank you girls. I needed that recharge, that connection and that reminder that there are wonderful people in this world and I'm lucky enough to know them, calling them friends.
On our way home, we were laughing about Winston's "famous moments." Now my son's is when he barrelled down the hall at break neck speed chasing his squeaky toy, hit the area rug and spun like a carousel horse into the front door landing with a thick "whump" and a pale "peeeshewwww" from the squeaky. Boo is conviced it's why Winston's face is smashed in.
My daughter's moment of Winston Zen was when he was racing her up the lawn (at break neck speed...see a pattern?) ran the gauntlet of lawn chairs and looked back to laugh at my daughter, who was losing said race, but failed to remember the door was shut. "CRASH" right in to the sliding door; so hard it tossed him down the back steps and left him dizzy and stunned. Another vote for the smashed face.
MINE? Well, Cheech had taken Winston for a ride to the grocery store. He was trying to bond and like the dog. (this thought process and effort has since gone by the wayside.) They pulled in and Cheech got out. Winston thought he should too. So, he hopped out, ran (at what? yep. break neck speed) straight into the grocery store. I'm giggling just remembering this one. So Cheech goes tearing in after him and discovered him in the pasta aisle making an unwelcome function on the bags of Barilla. Whoopsie! Clean up in aisle five!!!
Last night, I discovered that this weekend he indulged. Boy did he. He ate everything that came in contact with the floor/table/ cups/ name it, he ate it. How do I know this? Well, my Darlings, I know this because I cleaned it up from 12:30am-about 3am this morning.
It began as hiccups and ended with both of us "laughing at the carpet" so to speak. It was as if I was emptying a shark. I wouldn't have been surprised in the least to find a license plate or some shoes and a fishing rod ( a little Zebco..he's tiny you know) in all that hot mess.
As you can imagine, I was ...unhappy? Sure, we'll say that. To top it off, we have some coyotes near by that decided to serenade us. Well, Winston decided he was going to assert his manliness. Really? After yakking up everything but the kitchen sink, you now wanna play tough guy? Birdie crawled under the bed and chuffed, but even she knew better. Some battles should not be fought. Wee man...this is one. But he wouldn't stop. He paced and growled, he whined and bristled. Then he shook from low blood sugar, dehydration and heaved some more. Ohhhh boy. You da man Win. You DA MAN! EnOUGH already!
I scooped him up and went out onto the porch. We could hear them; mournful and eerie but strangely beautiful at the same time. Winston chuffed and wiggled; so I put him down. My little Mr. T ran back and forth. In puppy I think he was growling "Bring it ON! I can take ya!" There was a rustling in the bushes. Winston in all his bravery, lifted his leg, faked a squirt and dashed for the house. He ran so fast and so hard that his breath barged from his lungs in raspy pants. I could only think of Abbott and Costello running from The Wolfman or Dracula "HEEEEYYYY ABOOOOOOTTTT!" He joined his sister under the bed and lay silently until the sun popped up over the mountain.
In spite of the mess he made, to see him scamper in to the house break neck might be my new fav.
Oh guys, I have a really great one for you but I just can't seem to get it right on the paper. Bah~ Please be patient. I'm hoping to break through this block. I just didn't want to miss your visit. Besides, we can always giggle and point at Winston. He's an endless supply of laughs.
Thanks for hangin in with me. You guys are great. See you soon.
My weekend was fabulous. We giggled and pointed and were complete Yayas. Thank you girls. I needed that recharge, that connection and that reminder that there are wonderful people in this world and I'm lucky enough to know them, calling them friends.
On our way home, we were laughing about Winston's "famous moments." Now my son's is when he barrelled down the hall at break neck speed chasing his squeaky toy, hit the area rug and spun like a carousel horse into the front door landing with a thick "whump" and a pale "peeeshewwww" from the squeaky. Boo is conviced it's why Winston's face is smashed in.
My daughter's moment of Winston Zen was when he was racing her up the lawn (at break neck speed...see a pattern?) ran the gauntlet of lawn chairs and looked back to laugh at my daughter, who was losing said race, but failed to remember the door was shut. "CRASH" right in to the sliding door; so hard it tossed him down the back steps and left him dizzy and stunned. Another vote for the smashed face.
MINE? Well, Cheech had taken Winston for a ride to the grocery store. He was trying to bond and like the dog. (this thought process and effort has since gone by the wayside.) They pulled in and Cheech got out. Winston thought he should too. So, he hopped out, ran (at what? yep. break neck speed) straight into the grocery store. I'm giggling just remembering this one. So Cheech goes tearing in after him and discovered him in the pasta aisle making an unwelcome function on the bags of Barilla. Whoopsie! Clean up in aisle five!!!
Last night, I discovered that this weekend he indulged. Boy did he. He ate everything that came in contact with the floor/table/ cups/ name it, he ate it. How do I know this? Well, my Darlings, I know this because I cleaned it up from 12:30am-about 3am this morning.
It began as hiccups and ended with both of us "laughing at the carpet" so to speak. It was as if I was emptying a shark. I wouldn't have been surprised in the least to find a license plate or some shoes and a fishing rod ( a little Zebco..he's tiny you know) in all that hot mess.
As you can imagine, I was ...unhappy? Sure, we'll say that. To top it off, we have some coyotes near by that decided to serenade us. Well, Winston decided he was going to assert his manliness. Really? After yakking up everything but the kitchen sink, you now wanna play tough guy? Birdie crawled under the bed and chuffed, but even she knew better. Some battles should not be fought. Wee man...this is one. But he wouldn't stop. He paced and growled, he whined and bristled. Then he shook from low blood sugar, dehydration and heaved some more. Ohhhh boy. You da man Win. You DA MAN! EnOUGH already!
I scooped him up and went out onto the porch. We could hear them; mournful and eerie but strangely beautiful at the same time. Winston chuffed and wiggled; so I put him down. My little Mr. T ran back and forth. In puppy I think he was growling "Bring it ON! I can take ya!" There was a rustling in the bushes. Winston in all his bravery, lifted his leg, faked a squirt and dashed for the house. He ran so fast and so hard that his breath barged from his lungs in raspy pants. I could only think of Abbott and Costello running from The Wolfman or Dracula "HEEEEYYYY ABOOOOOOTTTT!" He joined his sister under the bed and lay silently until the sun popped up over the mountain.
In spite of the mess he made, to see him scamper in to the house break neck might be my new fav.
Oh guys, I have a really great one for you but I just can't seem to get it right on the paper. Bah~ Please be patient. I'm hoping to break through this block. I just didn't want to miss your visit. Besides, we can always giggle and point at Winston. He's an endless supply of laughs.
Thanks for hangin in with me. You guys are great. See you soon.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Where did this week go??
I had every intention of getting here, but with Cheech away all week and my busy little hands working on some wood finishing projects and other what intentions flew right out the window.
Well this weekend is a yaya weekend and boy am I ready. I'm more than a little drained . I'm truly looking forward to some good company, great food (...every twenty minutes) and tons of laughter.
You can come along if you'd like. ;)
Let's start fresh on Monday, Deal? I like it too.
Have a great weekend.
Where did this week go??
I had every intention of getting here, but with Cheech away all week and my busy little hands working on some wood finishing projects and other what intentions flew right out the window.
Well this weekend is a yaya weekend and boy am I ready. I'm more than a little drained . I'm truly looking forward to some good company, great food (...every twenty minutes) and tons of laughter.
You can come along if you'd like. ;)
Let's start fresh on Monday, Deal? I like it too.
Have a great weekend.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Nothing like "those gas station guys"...
I used to love this video when it came out just for the cute blonde guy they dressed up. No way I'd throw him outta bed for eatin crackers. :)
I believe we are heading down the final stretch. We have two more week and then push comes to shove. It's hard to believe it's coming on so quickly now. I remmeber hemmin and hawin about even doing this. Now I admit that I day dream about coming across that line and achieving the goal; receiving the dom hat.
Has it been almost a year? Yes indeed. I am getting nervous but more excited. Just two, it will be the exact opposite.
I hope you all had a great weekend. We did.
Don't quit now warriors! It's almost show time!
I used to love this video when it came out just for the cute blonde guy they dressed up. No way I'd throw him outta bed for eatin crackers. :)
I believe we are heading down the final stretch. We have two more week and then push comes to shove. It's hard to believe it's coming on so quickly now. I remmeber hemmin and hawin about even doing this. Now I admit that I day dream about coming across that line and achieving the goal; receiving the dom hat.
Has it been almost a year? Yes indeed. I am getting nervous but more excited. Just two, it will be the exact opposite.
I hope you all had a great weekend. We did.
Don't quit now warriors! It's almost show time!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Home Security
Just a quick one because it's Winston.
My barely fifteen pound pork sausage of a dog has attitude. He's grumpy. When he has to go outside, he looks like a naked, ticked off old man bunched up on the lawn; furious with the world. When he's snoozing in the chair, he looks like he's mad at the cushions. If he he's stomping around the kitchen demanding treats in his outside voice (he's also extremely vocal) he resembles someone who's gotten a whiff of some dirty spoiled milk. And if; IF, you sneak up on him (or his "property")? There is no describable Hell unleashed than my Winston.
Having been given the back drop, I'll share a scene of our weekend. It was late, dark and cool. The stars were out and gorgeous. The water was deep, and lovely, gently tickling the docks and shore line. The moon was like a flashlight casting shadows up and down both yard and water. We saw it loping along; a large ominous shape. It was in no hurry. Perhaps it was our own version of "Nessie". Regardless, WHOEVER it was, they were foolin around at Winston's house without permission.
Winston fired a warning shot with a "grark" (growl rolling into a bark). But immediately hunkered down, beginning to bristle on his little haunches. Now mind you, it was dark as pitch so we couldn't see very well except to notice a LARGE shape near the dock. In all reality, it could have been a bear (hear that Mrs. F??? we thought of you INSTANTLY! Flares for EVERYONE!!) he began to snarl and growl with his deepest, most threatening..well, as threatening as a "fawn colored" nancy boy lil dog named Winston can be. And you know what? He broke free. Wee-man the ferocious protector of all that is Promises got loose and tore down the back yard; spittin mad. He raced along the shore, tackled the dock with four determined, honked off feet and began to snap at the large animal near the water.
In my mind , I said good bye to my favorite little man. I envisioned a furry claw plucking my grumpy, naked puppy from the dock and gobbling him in one bite only to burp and "beg pardon" with a loud satisfied slapping of chops.
But it was Noah; a large 150 pound baby brontosaurus that loves to play in the water taking up residence a couple of houses over. To Winston, this didn't matter. He was an intruder. Noah was startled and rightly so. Who wouldn't think twice at the rapid approach of a snarling, spitting bundle of fuzz? Noah backed up and searched frantically for a way out, but there was only one and he took it.
Noah began to paddle off; panting happily and searching for a 'better place to play'.
Winston took a victory piddle off the dock and I THINK tried to hit Noah. Then he came up in to the house and fell asleep. Home security is hard work people.
This morning, Noah was romping in the thicket approaching the house. He's such a lovable dope. Winston pushed his face up against the screen and "Woofed"
Noah stopped, wagged but lowered his head and after chuffing what would equal a puppy version of "Kiss my're INSIDE now!" ran off.
Watch your back Noah. He's gunnin for ya now.
All right my Pretties. Please enjoy what's left of your day. We'll catch up like usual, mid week or so?
I have a fabulous Yaya weekend planned so we'll have to get a lot of our visiting done early.
Thank you for stopping by. I'm really glad you did.
My barely fifteen pound pork sausage of a dog has attitude. He's grumpy. When he has to go outside, he looks like a naked, ticked off old man bunched up on the lawn; furious with the world. When he's snoozing in the chair, he looks like he's mad at the cushions. If he he's stomping around the kitchen demanding treats in his outside voice (he's also extremely vocal) he resembles someone who's gotten a whiff of some dirty spoiled milk. And if; IF, you sneak up on him (or his "property")? There is no describable Hell unleashed than my Winston.
Having been given the back drop, I'll share a scene of our weekend. It was late, dark and cool. The stars were out and gorgeous. The water was deep, and lovely, gently tickling the docks and shore line. The moon was like a flashlight casting shadows up and down both yard and water. We saw it loping along; a large ominous shape. It was in no hurry. Perhaps it was our own version of "Nessie". Regardless, WHOEVER it was, they were foolin around at Winston's house without permission.
Winston fired a warning shot with a "grark" (growl rolling into a bark). But immediately hunkered down, beginning to bristle on his little haunches. Now mind you, it was dark as pitch so we couldn't see very well except to notice a LARGE shape near the dock. In all reality, it could have been a bear (hear that Mrs. F??? we thought of you INSTANTLY! Flares for EVERYONE!!) he began to snarl and growl with his deepest, most threatening..well, as threatening as a "fawn colored" nancy boy lil dog named Winston can be. And you know what? He broke free. Wee-man the ferocious protector of all that is Promises got loose and tore down the back yard; spittin mad. He raced along the shore, tackled the dock with four determined, honked off feet and began to snap at the large animal near the water.
In my mind , I said good bye to my favorite little man. I envisioned a furry claw plucking my grumpy, naked puppy from the dock and gobbling him in one bite only to burp and "beg pardon" with a loud satisfied slapping of chops.
But it was Noah; a large 150 pound baby brontosaurus that loves to play in the water taking up residence a couple of houses over. To Winston, this didn't matter. He was an intruder. Noah was startled and rightly so. Who wouldn't think twice at the rapid approach of a snarling, spitting bundle of fuzz? Noah backed up and searched frantically for a way out, but there was only one and he took it.
Noah began to paddle off; panting happily and searching for a 'better place to play'.
Winston took a victory piddle off the dock and I THINK tried to hit Noah. Then he came up in to the house and fell asleep. Home security is hard work people.
This morning, Noah was romping in the thicket approaching the house. He's such a lovable dope. Winston pushed his face up against the screen and "Woofed"
Noah stopped, wagged but lowered his head and after chuffing what would equal a puppy version of "Kiss my're INSIDE now!" ran off.
Watch your back Noah. He's gunnin for ya now.
All right my Pretties. Please enjoy what's left of your day. We'll catch up like usual, mid week or so?
I have a fabulous Yaya weekend planned so we'll have to get a lot of our visiting done early.
Thank you for stopping by. I'm really glad you did.
Friday, September 17, 2010
All right guys, the weekend is cresting the horizon and I couldn't be happier.
A couple of days smooshed full of cookie pants, bbq, sweaters and writing. Hurray me~ I've got three that I HAVE to get done and a competition in November. It is a biggie; not just the size but caliber. Woooo runnin wit da BIG dawgs...woof. I crack me up. I giggle because it makes me nervous. Of course, I'll show it to you but only after deadlines and judging are over. You know how it works. But I have some shorties we can look at until then. You don't mind, do you? Thanks. You're so good to me.
So I have to spit shine my grammar, polish the adjectives and get a move on.
Promises awaits.
Be safe, have fun and let's meet up at weekend's tail, yes?
Thanks for checking in on me.
A couple of days smooshed full of cookie pants, bbq, sweaters and writing. Hurray me~ I've got three that I HAVE to get done and a competition in November. It is a biggie; not just the size but caliber. Woooo runnin wit da BIG dawgs...woof. I crack me up. I giggle because it makes me nervous. Of course, I'll show it to you but only after deadlines and judging are over. You know how it works. But I have some shorties we can look at until then. You don't mind, do you? Thanks. You're so good to me.
So I have to spit shine my grammar, polish the adjectives and get a move on.
Promises awaits.
Be safe, have fun and let's meet up at weekend's tail, yes?
Thanks for checking in on me.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The wind railed is sick raspy gusts. Branches shooed her away by scraping the sides of the little house. Rain slapped the windows; trying to push her back in to the center of the room. Marla paced, wringing her hands and plucking absently at her nails. She ripped the night apart trying to see him. Her eyes wide with concern; almost panic. The shadows of worry darkened her usual gentle face. It was too late at night for him to be out. "Where WAS he?" her mind shouted. Nights like this were dangerous; the weather was treacherous. She paced another lap around the dining room mashing the carpet a little more into a little racetrack. She wanted to go out and look for him; find him. This feeling pulled at her and made her belly hurt. She would go back to the window and scan some more, unable to actually heave herself out the door. Worry scratched at her brain. Headlights from other cars teased her heart. It leapt with each new set climbing into view. Finally the beams turned and crept toward the house. Chills raced over her skin. She hovered at the door like a puppy but still he did not come in. She waited until he got to the door then the rush of relief and love washed over her and she dashed for the door..
He drove around for hours, trying to avoid the inevitable. Despair fell from his lips in long sighs as he caterpillered his hands along the steering wheel : bump. sliiiiide. bump. sliiiide. His eyes were burning and red from lack of sleep; again. Would it ever end? Could he stop it? Donald sadly found his way home. The light was on. He sat in the drive and tapped the wheel nervously, muttering words she wouldn't listen to. His feet felt like anvils as he dragged himself toward the front door. he knew she was waiting. He barely got the door open and saw her rushing toward him. He stiffened as she tossed her arms around him.
"Do you have any idea how LATE you are? Why didn't you call? I was worried sick!"
"But here I am-" fatigue and pain clung to his voice. "No need to call." this last statement came accidentally and he regretted it. He saw her slump, wounded.
"I was ready to go and look for you." she started again, her voice trimmed with anxiety.
"You did..." he trailed.
Marla paused looking confused. "What? What are you talking about? Donald, I've been waiting; pacing the house forever."
"No Mar. You didn't. You left."
She looked at him blankly. "Donald." she half laughed "That's just not.."
"Marla." He sighed heavily. "You DID leave. You were upset. You drove around looking for me, calling my cell. You were so angry Marla. You were yelling at me. I told you I was almost home."
He watched her thinking. This was almost painful for him. "You panicked Mar. You ran a red light."
"Stop." she whispered. Color drained from her face, she squirmed feeling weak and sick inside.
"You ran a red light and hit a car. Mine." in his mind, he heard the metal bending, groaning, twisting around her. His scalp tingled recalling the shower of shattering glass. The echoes of her screams filled his ears. A tear spilled down his cheek. They were coming less often now, but just as salty as that night nine years ago and grief choked him. He turned and reached for her. "You hit my car Honey..."
"Shut up! Stop right now! That's not true Donald. I thought you were dead! I..." there was a sob that stopped her cutting the air like a knife. She cupped her mouth, her voice melting away.
"No Marla. You are."
Donald reached into the mist and tried to give warmth to the cool sadness which was all that remained of her.
He drove around for hours, trying to avoid the inevitable. Despair fell from his lips in long sighs as he caterpillered his hands along the steering wheel : bump. sliiiiide. bump. sliiiide. His eyes were burning and red from lack of sleep; again. Would it ever end? Could he stop it? Donald sadly found his way home. The light was on. He sat in the drive and tapped the wheel nervously, muttering words she wouldn't listen to. His feet felt like anvils as he dragged himself toward the front door. he knew she was waiting. He barely got the door open and saw her rushing toward him. He stiffened as she tossed her arms around him.
"Do you have any idea how LATE you are? Why didn't you call? I was worried sick!"
"But here I am-" fatigue and pain clung to his voice. "No need to call." this last statement came accidentally and he regretted it. He saw her slump, wounded.
"I was ready to go and look for you." she started again, her voice trimmed with anxiety.
"You did..." he trailed.
Marla paused looking confused. "What? What are you talking about? Donald, I've been waiting; pacing the house forever."
"No Mar. You didn't. You left."
She looked at him blankly. "Donald." she half laughed "That's just not.."
"Marla." He sighed heavily. "You DID leave. You were upset. You drove around looking for me, calling my cell. You were so angry Marla. You were yelling at me. I told you I was almost home."
He watched her thinking. This was almost painful for him. "You panicked Mar. You ran a red light."
"Stop." she whispered. Color drained from her face, she squirmed feeling weak and sick inside.
"You ran a red light and hit a car. Mine." in his mind, he heard the metal bending, groaning, twisting around her. His scalp tingled recalling the shower of shattering glass. The echoes of her screams filled his ears. A tear spilled down his cheek. They were coming less often now, but just as salty as that night nine years ago and grief choked him. He turned and reached for her. "You hit my car Honey..."
"Shut up! Stop right now! That's not true Donald. I thought you were dead! I..." there was a sob that stopped her cutting the air like a knife. She cupped her mouth, her voice melting away.
"No Marla. You are."
Donald reached into the mist and tried to give warmth to the cool sadness which was all that remained of her.
I wanted to take just a few moments and welcome our "Medford area friend" MAC. We've been waiting for you and although it took you a little longer than expected, we're glad you came!
I see that by just a few of your visits to my old blog on:
9/7... Whoa! dry spell here...didja go away or just have computer issues? We sure did miss ya
that you sure like it here with us. And now here you are at last! Well, of course I didn't post all the multiple visits in those precious days's okay. Who's counting???
So Good morning sunshine~the Earth says Hello!
I'm glad you stopped by. I enjoy our time together
I see that by just a few of your visits to my old blog on:
9/7... Whoa! dry spell here...didja go away or just have computer issues? We sure did miss ya
that you sure like it here with us. And now here you are at last! Well, of course I didn't post all the multiple visits in those precious days's okay. Who's counting???
So Good morning sunshine~the Earth says Hello!
I'm glad you stopped by. I enjoy our time together
Monday, September 13, 2010
This is it. This is where my love of drums began; with this man. There have been others I've admired and "ooed" over (none more than my Roger...) but this is my private moment of Zen. Well, it was. Now I've gone and smashed it up here. This is one where I grit my teeth and welcome the goose bumps. I feel this all the way into my chest and usually end up flipping my hair all around .... not a pretty thing but it's good for me...and in the end? It's what it's all about. That and the damn hat.
Folks? It's coming. The time is near. I'm working harder now than ever and I think it's spawned from fear.
We've laughed and we're getting final arrangements made; flights hotels...lalala...
wow. What have I done?
Oh well, I'll just close my eyes and get lost in the music...
Have a great Monday. See you soon!!
Folks? It's coming. The time is near. I'm working harder now than ever and I think it's spawned from fear.
We've laughed and we're getting final arrangements made; flights hotels...lalala...
wow. What have I done?
Oh well, I'll just close my eyes and get lost in the music...
Have a great Monday. See you soon!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
In a minute
He left the gently burning fire and wandered down to see her. Night was sneaking in with the promise of brisk temperatures. He carried her jacket down to her. His footsteps were soft in the grass and along the groaning dock. He stretched out next to her, his hand resting next to her suntanned face as he bent to kiss her.
She basked in the last of the day’s sun enjoying its warm touch on her face. She watched it lazily drift across the water marveling how it jumped at the caress of her fingers. Her cup sat sweaty and neglected along the edge; the beverage now separated and dilute. She closed her eyes, smiling at his shadow as it hugged her.
“Lemonade?” he asked quietly tasting her mouth.
“Mayyybe…” she raised her chin, making playful kissy noises.
He tasted her lips again. “With a hint of Banana Boat” he sputtered, wincing sourly.
She laughed and shoved him. He rolled away but came back with a push of his own. They giggled like children, groping, tickling and shifting away from each other. He didn’t remember the edge being so close or the drop so long; but he plopped in to the water, arms waving; mouth gaping in anticipation of the cold surge. His breath was sharp as the water excitedly surrounded and greeted his body.
“Awwww! Poor Baby!” she giggled offering her hand.
It was a mistake. His feet were steady on the braces of the dock. Regardless of her fight, she fell in after him meeting the same chilly fate. She surfaced with a shocked “O” and a shiver.
“C’mere” he laughed holding his arms out for her.
She swam over and wrapped her strong legs around him, delivering a rough, wet kiss. Then, pulling away began to swim to the shore; it wasn’t far, a few body lengths. He took off after her swiping at her kicking ankles.
She pulled herself out and raced up the yard toward the door with him close at her heels. Her jeans and shirt hung heavily around her shape seeming to drag her down. She squealed when she felt his fingers nibbling for her cothes; hearing his rowdy quick gasps so close behind her. She dashed up the back steps, hopped the rail and tried to get inside before him. She almost slammed his arm in the door. She screamed again followed by her laugh, covering her mouth quickly.
“Ooo! I’m sorry!” She jumped back giving him room to follow her in. She touched him, her
eyes filled with alarm.
“S’all right, I have another one.” And he dangled the uninjured arm helplessly. She playfully slapped it.
“I’ll get some dry clothes and start supper.” She said heavily allowing one last happy sigh to sneak from her chest.
“In a minute.” He said softly, catching her hip as she turned. His hand plucked the wet strands away from her cheek, slowly sauntering down her face and along her throat. His lips brushed hers to find them a little chilly and still a bit wet. He felt her smile and kissed her again. Her mouth and tongue were warm and sweet; inviting. He felt her turn back to him, coiling her arms around his neck. His scalp tingled as her long fingers wandered up the back of his neck and through his hair. He took a deep breath wanting to inhale everything about her.
She pulled back from his kiss, moving her mouth along his neck and up to his ear. Goose bumps raced down his spine to feel her teeth barely tracing its shape and whispering to him that she wanted to feel him, touch him. She gently pushed him back. He greedily reached for her.
“Please, don’t touch.” She whispered. He looked confused and squinted, cocking his head slightly. She giggled at him.
The firelight danced eagerly enjoying the lovers’ show. She slicked her hair back out of her face and began to unbutton her blouse slowly. Water had rendered it see-thru. He watched her body twist underneath it, his heart beating a little faster with the flash of her skin. She tugged at her jeans, stepping out of them and her panties and left them in a wrinkled heap. The fire cracked and applauded her as she stood naked in front of him. She never looked more beautiful to him than now. He stared at her, his desire raging under his skin. The flames hungrily licked at the logs peeking through the shadows as she led him to the couch.
She gently tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head. It squeaked against his flesh and ruffled his hair as it departed. She smoothed his ‘do and traced his face with her fingertips. She stepped closer and nuzzled his shoulder; kissed his chest. He sighed as her hands trailed along his jean, effortlessly flipping the button. All of his clothes were in the way. If he could have, he’d have jumped out of them. But she lingered. Her soft breath seemed to coax them off. Her gentle lips explored his shape, his body. He felt his knees go weak as her mouth and tongue became more adventuresome and insistent. He moaned, pulling her to him gruffly.
She gasped as his mouth hungrily found hers. “Don’t …” she began but his kiss stifled her words.
“Touch...” he finished and tasted her mouth again. He began a crusade of his own, his mouth firm and curious along the curves of her willing body. Her silky skin rippled with excitement and want while his fingers slowly stroked and teased her until she arched against him begging to feel all of him. He scooped her up resting her gently in his lap; her knees on either side of his strong body. He could feel her thighs tensing with desire as he moved against her. He loved watching her close her eyes and tilt her head back in ecstasy as she took him inside. She licked her lips and moaned softly. She moved his hands along her ribs to cup her breasts. Her nipples snapped to attention as his fingertips brushed them, kissed them. His muscles burned and roped around her trim body. They began to shift together, their kisses harsh and breathy. His hands pulled her hips, rocking her against him. He panted lightly feeling the warmth of his climax beginning to spread across his body. She straightened suddenly and pushed against him, her breath hitching in her throat. She cried out, her fingers cloying at him. He felt her teeth briefly tear at his shoulder but her lips caressed his flesh passionately. He felt her entire body shudder. His name was all she whispered. She purred and rested her head against him. Her muscles quivered still and she shivered.
He leaned back, tugging her with him. He yanked at a blanket and flipped it over them. They lay together gently stroking, kissing, giggling in the firelight. He kissed her forehead and pushed her toes with his.
“Want some dinner now?” he mumbled into her hair.
“In a minute.” She sighed and snuggled under his warm embrace.
The fire giggled and popped late into the night barely lighting the single loving shadow.
I know, this week I faultered a little, but this will get your heart started...I hope. ;)
Have a great weekend and I hope to see you soon. Thank you for stopping by; I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
She basked in the last of the day’s sun enjoying its warm touch on her face. She watched it lazily drift across the water marveling how it jumped at the caress of her fingers. Her cup sat sweaty and neglected along the edge; the beverage now separated and dilute. She closed her eyes, smiling at his shadow as it hugged her.
“Lemonade?” he asked quietly tasting her mouth.
“Mayyybe…” she raised her chin, making playful kissy noises.
He tasted her lips again. “With a hint of Banana Boat” he sputtered, wincing sourly.
She laughed and shoved him. He rolled away but came back with a push of his own. They giggled like children, groping, tickling and shifting away from each other. He didn’t remember the edge being so close or the drop so long; but he plopped in to the water, arms waving; mouth gaping in anticipation of the cold surge. His breath was sharp as the water excitedly surrounded and greeted his body.
“Awwww! Poor Baby!” she giggled offering her hand.
It was a mistake. His feet were steady on the braces of the dock. Regardless of her fight, she fell in after him meeting the same chilly fate. She surfaced with a shocked “O” and a shiver.
“C’mere” he laughed holding his arms out for her.
She swam over and wrapped her strong legs around him, delivering a rough, wet kiss. Then, pulling away began to swim to the shore; it wasn’t far, a few body lengths. He took off after her swiping at her kicking ankles.
She pulled herself out and raced up the yard toward the door with him close at her heels. Her jeans and shirt hung heavily around her shape seeming to drag her down. She squealed when she felt his fingers nibbling for her cothes; hearing his rowdy quick gasps so close behind her. She dashed up the back steps, hopped the rail and tried to get inside before him. She almost slammed his arm in the door. She screamed again followed by her laugh, covering her mouth quickly.
“Ooo! I’m sorry!” She jumped back giving him room to follow her in. She touched him, her
eyes filled with alarm.
“S’all right, I have another one.” And he dangled the uninjured arm helplessly. She playfully slapped it.
“I’ll get some dry clothes and start supper.” She said heavily allowing one last happy sigh to sneak from her chest.
“In a minute.” He said softly, catching her hip as she turned. His hand plucked the wet strands away from her cheek, slowly sauntering down her face and along her throat. His lips brushed hers to find them a little chilly and still a bit wet. He felt her smile and kissed her again. Her mouth and tongue were warm and sweet; inviting. He felt her turn back to him, coiling her arms around his neck. His scalp tingled as her long fingers wandered up the back of his neck and through his hair. He took a deep breath wanting to inhale everything about her.
She pulled back from his kiss, moving her mouth along his neck and up to his ear. Goose bumps raced down his spine to feel her teeth barely tracing its shape and whispering to him that she wanted to feel him, touch him. She gently pushed him back. He greedily reached for her.
“Please, don’t touch.” She whispered. He looked confused and squinted, cocking his head slightly. She giggled at him.
The firelight danced eagerly enjoying the lovers’ show. She slicked her hair back out of her face and began to unbutton her blouse slowly. Water had rendered it see-thru. He watched her body twist underneath it, his heart beating a little faster with the flash of her skin. She tugged at her jeans, stepping out of them and her panties and left them in a wrinkled heap. The fire cracked and applauded her as she stood naked in front of him. She never looked more beautiful to him than now. He stared at her, his desire raging under his skin. The flames hungrily licked at the logs peeking through the shadows as she led him to the couch.
She gently tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head. It squeaked against his flesh and ruffled his hair as it departed. She smoothed his ‘do and traced his face with her fingertips. She stepped closer and nuzzled his shoulder; kissed his chest. He sighed as her hands trailed along his jean, effortlessly flipping the button. All of his clothes were in the way. If he could have, he’d have jumped out of them. But she lingered. Her soft breath seemed to coax them off. Her gentle lips explored his shape, his body. He felt his knees go weak as her mouth and tongue became more adventuresome and insistent. He moaned, pulling her to him gruffly.
She gasped as his mouth hungrily found hers. “Don’t …” she began but his kiss stifled her words.
“Touch...” he finished and tasted her mouth again. He began a crusade of his own, his mouth firm and curious along the curves of her willing body. Her silky skin rippled with excitement and want while his fingers slowly stroked and teased her until she arched against him begging to feel all of him. He scooped her up resting her gently in his lap; her knees on either side of his strong body. He could feel her thighs tensing with desire as he moved against her. He loved watching her close her eyes and tilt her head back in ecstasy as she took him inside. She licked her lips and moaned softly. She moved his hands along her ribs to cup her breasts. Her nipples snapped to attention as his fingertips brushed them, kissed them. His muscles burned and roped around her trim body. They began to shift together, their kisses harsh and breathy. His hands pulled her hips, rocking her against him. He panted lightly feeling the warmth of his climax beginning to spread across his body. She straightened suddenly and pushed against him, her breath hitching in her throat. She cried out, her fingers cloying at him. He felt her teeth briefly tear at his shoulder but her lips caressed his flesh passionately. He felt her entire body shudder. His name was all she whispered. She purred and rested her head against him. Her muscles quivered still and she shivered.
He leaned back, tugging her with him. He yanked at a blanket and flipped it over them. They lay together gently stroking, kissing, giggling in the firelight. He kissed her forehead and pushed her toes with his.
“Want some dinner now?” he mumbled into her hair.
“In a minute.” She sighed and snuggled under his warm embrace.
The fire giggled and popped late into the night barely lighting the single loving shadow.
I know, this week I faultered a little, but this will get your heart started...I hope. ;)
Have a great weekend and I hope to see you soon. Thank you for stopping by; I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Monday, September 6, 2010
This is one of my favorites of all time. I think because it doesn't have that "fake real song" smell. You know what I mean? It's like spraying "new car smell in your 82 Citation....It's okay but everyone knows. This one just carries me along with that dizziying grind and scratchiness...whoa! lookie there! a heavy beat. mmmmm...happiness.
So off I go into the woods with my Lenny in hand. Labor intensive, but we're down to crunch time all my good warriors.
So off I go into the woods with my Lenny in hand. Labor intensive, but we're down to crunch time all my good warriors.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sweet Water
I've never thought of myself as a beauty. Nope. In fact, I consider myself pretty...plain Jane. I'm simple; my make up, my clothes, my philosophies are all simple. In my mind, I prefer to call them "classic" heehee.
Cheech and I were out for a ride with some friends on the motorcycle. It was a lovely ride that wound us back in the hills of Pennsylvania for more than two and a half hours. What a great time! We were on our way home and decided to stop for gas. The guys were filling up and my friend was just stretching her long legs and trying to realign her spine. Cheech asked for a water. So I popped my helmet back and sauntered in.
I was the only one in the mini mart and NO IT WAS NOT A WAWA!!!! I just perused and collected what we needed. I pulled my helmet off leaving my skull cap and ponytail with my sunglasses. I smoothed my hair out of the way tugged the money from my jeans and paid the man.
"Long day?" he asked.
"No. Long ride; but it was really beautiful. I love it here." I smiled after I ran my tongue over my teeth; didn't want to have any stray "what nots" stuck in my choppers.
He flashed me a brilliant grin.
"You look tired."
A half laugh /half sigh escaped me. I absently wiped under my eyes thinking perhaps my make-up was on its way down my face to my knees. Even a bumpkin like me knows Maybeline did NOT make Super Lash for the stray eyebrow hairs that crop up on my chin every here and there. Nor should my Cover Girl Cover All and certainly not in sage green eyeshadow. It's just not ...sage. I tried my best to de-smudge my poor ole mug.
"Really, really tired."
"Well, sorry about that" I smiled a little thinner this time, trying not to seem too wounded. "I tried to freshen up before I came in. First impressions and all." I fluffed my hair a little trying to decide if he was going to be a wiener.
He looked me up and down then paused at my face. His eyes studied me and then, he shrugged. His mouth twisted sideways a little and his eyes crinkled up in a wince. Apparently to gaze upon me caused pain.
"Yeah...I guess." and he did it again. "You look really tired. Long day." He looked at me sadly.
My lips curled into a thin line and felt tight, the corners of my angry smile were sharp enough to cut. I could almost hear my eyebrows furrowing together like angry little inch worms. I reached out and took the change.
"You single?" I chirped with a cock of my head.
His eyes brightened a little..."Well, yeah, I am." He looked down and up at me again, almost shyly. Awwwww so ....cute....
"Flirting like that, I can see why." I tossed dropping a single penny into the empty little change holder next to the register. "Keep trying though. I'll bet you'll get it." I sashayed out the door plucking the lid from the bottle and drinking heavily. It was some of the sweetest water I've ever had.
Well, another silly one.
I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday. We certainly have. We laughed until it hurt; enjoying our neighbors and new friends as well as the crisp fall-like weather. I've loved wearing my jeans and sweaters.
I'm working on a couple of good ones. Stay with me. We'll have a ball. Thank you for coming. I love our time together.
Cheech and I were out for a ride with some friends on the motorcycle. It was a lovely ride that wound us back in the hills of Pennsylvania for more than two and a half hours. What a great time! We were on our way home and decided to stop for gas. The guys were filling up and my friend was just stretching her long legs and trying to realign her spine. Cheech asked for a water. So I popped my helmet back and sauntered in.
I was the only one in the mini mart and NO IT WAS NOT A WAWA!!!! I just perused and collected what we needed. I pulled my helmet off leaving my skull cap and ponytail with my sunglasses. I smoothed my hair out of the way tugged the money from my jeans and paid the man.
"Long day?" he asked.
"No. Long ride; but it was really beautiful. I love it here." I smiled after I ran my tongue over my teeth; didn't want to have any stray "what nots" stuck in my choppers.
He flashed me a brilliant grin.
"You look tired."
A half laugh /half sigh escaped me. I absently wiped under my eyes thinking perhaps my make-up was on its way down my face to my knees. Even a bumpkin like me knows Maybeline did NOT make Super Lash for the stray eyebrow hairs that crop up on my chin every here and there. Nor should my Cover Girl Cover All and certainly not in sage green eyeshadow. It's just not ...sage. I tried my best to de-smudge my poor ole mug.
"Really, really tired."
"Well, sorry about that" I smiled a little thinner this time, trying not to seem too wounded. "I tried to freshen up before I came in. First impressions and all." I fluffed my hair a little trying to decide if he was going to be a wiener.
He looked me up and down then paused at my face. His eyes studied me and then, he shrugged. His mouth twisted sideways a little and his eyes crinkled up in a wince. Apparently to gaze upon me caused pain.
"Yeah...I guess." and he did it again. "You look really tired. Long day." He looked at me sadly.
My lips curled into a thin line and felt tight, the corners of my angry smile were sharp enough to cut. I could almost hear my eyebrows furrowing together like angry little inch worms. I reached out and took the change.
"You single?" I chirped with a cock of my head.
His eyes brightened a little..."Well, yeah, I am." He looked down and up at me again, almost shyly. Awwwww so ....cute....
"Flirting like that, I can see why." I tossed dropping a single penny into the empty little change holder next to the register. "Keep trying though. I'll bet you'll get it." I sashayed out the door plucking the lid from the bottle and drinking heavily. It was some of the sweetest water I've ever had.
Well, another silly one.
I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday. We certainly have. We laughed until it hurt; enjoying our neighbors and new friends as well as the crisp fall-like weather. I've loved wearing my jeans and sweaters.
I'm working on a couple of good ones. Stay with me. We'll have a ball. Thank you for coming. I love our time together.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Ahhh Good Times
Let's get down to the nitty gritty, all right?
Winston. It's ALLLL about Winston today. We had some friends up to Promises not long ago. It was quite the shebang if I do say so myself. Nothing fahhhnsay, just fabulous. Winston simply wanted to get involved.
We were all having a little sippy of some wonderful electrik lemonade and some Anyas (pear vodka with seltzer and cranberry...nice and refreshing) while relaxing on the porch and enjoying the summer sun. My friend put her drink down. On the porch. Well GUESS who decided to help himself to a little zippy adult goodness? Yep. The Wee man. Nobody was paying attention to him and so like a greedy child, he just kept going...and going...and GOING....until my friend heard a distinct slurping/snorting/belching noise coming from the vicinity of her glass.
He blinked definantly and sauntered off, proud of what he'd gotten away with. Nobody thought anything of it until my friend actually looked at her drink.
"uuuuummmm Tess?"
"Yeah, Love?"
"Well, lemme get you a fresh one. I'm sorry."
"You don't WANT another drink?" I displayed my "shock face" which is a mixture of getting a whiff of bad milk and being pinched in the bum.
And so I did. We all did. Sure enough my chubbly lil pork sausage of a dog was seen to be...intoxicated. Smashed would be a more descript term. We couldn't believe it. Of course, we saw it as the best moment to get the camera out and record "Great Family Moments" and like any good mother, I have posted them so we can? Yes, my Dears....Giggle and Point. It's what I do best. :)
Now in all interest for what is good and right, he is just fine. He suffered from a hangover and I believe a puppy case of the "spins" since he was wobbly for a bit. He must have had a headache because he looked like it hurt to blink. In one of his faces I believe he is asking...
And just as I will tell my lovely daughter at that precise moment:
"No Darling. Usually it's worse. Consider yourself lucky."
Ahhhh yes. Goooood times.
Sorry It's so short today. I'm away at Promises again. I'm just trying to get things back together. I will get there. We all will. I have some great things on the agenda, so let's not stay apart too long, deal?
Have a great day. Thank you for visiting. I look forward to many more.
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The Lady with the Lantern
When the fire gets low and the voices quiet, she always comes up. The lady with the lantern. Now the stories often vary: She lost her bab...
I wanted to take just a few moments and welcome our "Medford area friend" MAC. We've been waiting for you and although it to...
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It happens to us all. Our hearts get broken. There is a song "The first cut is the deepest." My daughter has just recently discov...