Just a quick one because it's Winston.
My barely fifteen pound pork sausage of a dog has attitude. He's grumpy. When he has to go outside, he looks like a naked, ticked off old man bunched up on the lawn; furious with the world. When he's snoozing in the chair, he looks like he's mad at the cushions. If he he's stomping around the kitchen demanding treats in his outside voice (he's also extremely vocal) he resembles someone who's gotten a whiff of some dirty spoiled milk. And if; IF, you sneak up on him (or his "property")? There is no describable Hell unleashed than my Winston.
Having been given the back drop, I'll share a scene of our weekend. It was late, dark and cool. The stars were out and gorgeous. The water was deep, and lovely, gently tickling the docks and shore line. The moon was like a flashlight casting shadows up and down both yard and water. We saw it loping along; a large ominous shape. It was in no hurry. Perhaps it was our own version of "Nessie". Regardless, WHOEVER it was, they were foolin around at Winston's house without permission.
Winston fired a warning shot with a "grark" (growl rolling into a bark). But immediately hunkered down, beginning to bristle on his little haunches. Now mind you, it was dark as pitch so we couldn't see very well except to notice a LARGE shape near the dock. In all reality, it could have been a bear (hear that Mrs. F??? we thought of you INSTANTLY! Flares for EVERYONE!!) he began to snarl and growl with his deepest, most threatening..well, as threatening as a "fawn colored" nancy boy lil dog named Winston can be. And you know what? He broke free. Wee-man the ferocious protector of all that is Promises got loose and tore down the back yard; spittin mad. He raced along the shore, tackled the dock with four determined, honked off feet and began to snap at the large animal near the water.
In my mind , I said good bye to my favorite little man. I envisioned a furry claw plucking my grumpy, naked puppy from the dock and gobbling him in one bite only to burp and "beg pardon" with a loud satisfied slapping of chops.
But it was Noah; a large 150 pound baby brontosaurus that loves to play in the water taking up residence a couple of houses over. To Winston, this didn't matter. He was an intruder. Noah was startled and rightly so. Who wouldn't think twice at the rapid approach of a snarling, spitting bundle of fuzz? Noah backed up and searched frantically for a way out, but there was only one and he took it.
Noah began to paddle off; panting happily and searching for a 'better place to play'.
Winston took a victory piddle off the dock and I THINK tried to hit Noah. Then he came up in to the house and fell asleep. Home security is hard work people.
This morning, Noah was romping in the thicket approaching the house. He's such a lovable dope. Winston pushed his face up against the screen and "Woofed"
Noah stopped, wagged but lowered his head and after chuffing what would equal a puppy version of "Kiss my ass...you're INSIDE now!" ran off.
Watch your back Noah. He's gunnin for ya now.
All right my Pretties. Please enjoy what's left of your day. We'll catch up like usual, mid week or so?
I have a fabulous Yaya weekend planned so we'll have to get a lot of our visiting done early.
Thank you for stopping by. I'm really glad you did.
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