She was woozy and unstable in her new surroundings; much like a baby giraffe. But there was a comfort; a confidence that washed over her and gave warmth; security. She could be okay here. She looked around her room, peering at her old one throught the looking glass. It sat quiet and empty. It seemed almost lonely. Turning, she saw herself sitting quietly and watching, taking it all in.
"I like it already." she smiled to herself.
"I'd wait before stacking that ballot box." was the cautious reply.
"Where should we go? What should we do?"
"The same as before. It isn't a vacation. I still work. I live in this house. We aren't twins or buddies. We are one."
"Do you want to go to my house?"
"I don't blame you really." She sighed and wiped her hands on her pants. "So... want me to go to work for you?"
A wry smile crept across her counterparts face. "Sure. You know the way. Knock yourself out. Just don't screw up. I have a reputation to keep." with that, she sauntered down the hall. "Let's worry about dinner first. Tomorrow will be here soon enough."
"Well, I can make that tuna I picked up yesterday and we can have..."
There was almost a screech of shoes that stopped the other mid stride. "Uh...I don't cook. People cook FOR me. Where do you want to go?"
"Oh. Ok well, what about the pizza place on the corner? We could order sandwiches and I could pick them up."
A tired sigh raspberried from her lips. "Nooooo we'll go in to town like I do every night." There was no asking. It was decided.
She shrugged and went along almost glad for the decision being made. "Maybe I can learn this after all." she thought.
But dinner was a different experience altogether. They went as one person, choosing to flip their presence to allow for actual eating and some socializing. It was funny how different they were. Here, she realized that her "other" was more aggressive and certain of herself. She was confident and cool. It was interesting to see how people jumped for her approval, fought for her favor and did what she wanted. This was the opposite of what she experienced in her world. It was intoxicating to watch. She did her best when it was her "turn" to eat or order to keep the momentum. And could barely sleep thinking how exciting work would be in the morning. She lay in bed and plotted her day. who would she see first and what would it be like? could she stop their bullying? The guilt trips and manipulation? The possibilities were endless.
Morning came earlier than her usual 7am, awakened by a loud knock
"You going or not?"
"I'm due in at 9."
"Wrong." Came the haughty reply. "If you want to continue on the fast track, you better be there well before 8. I'm going for a run. I suggest you be gone before I get back. It would be disappointing for me to have "me"lazing around. I don't like to be disappointed." she turned on her heal and headed out.
Quickly she rummaged for some clothes and cleaned up. It was hard to get so motivated at this ugly early hour but she did it. Just as she grabbed her things and reached for the knob, she met herself at the door.
"Ha. This is it. I've met myself coming as I'm going."
There was no smile or reaction. Just a roll of the eyes and a shove passed. "Before 8." she echoed.
The office had a different look to it so early in the morning. It was set up almost identically except her "new" was the luxurious one at the corner with the walnut desk and what looked to be a secretary's desk. She had a secretary? Smiling quietly she sat for a few minutes to enjoy her success. She flipped through her files for the day, realizing that she wasn't up to date on the problems on her desk or exactly how to handle them. It caused some anxiety as she began to move things in to piles for others to take care of. She then checked her computer, glad the passwords were the same and watched the accounts. She had quite a few marked for activity during the day; shifting funds and termination of some partnerships, redirecting...she was going to be busy today. With a sigh, she rolled up her sleeves and began. There were some passwords that weren't as obvious and so she had to text her to get them. They came back abruptly with the threat of consequences if anything was screwed up. The sun crept in to the office and joined her eventually as did coworkers. She kept hammering away at her stuff and rarely looked up. Just before she gathered her things for lunch someone stood quietly in the doorway, gently clearing her throat and awaiting recognition.
"Yes?" She looked up almost startled to see her first axe to grind. "Can I help you Nicole?"
The stance was timid as she recinded from the doorway a little. "I'm sorry to bother you Ms. Sheridan but I have these files and I just wondered if you were sure you wanted me to take care of these things."
"Did I leave them on your desk?" the answer was quick even for her. But something inside her began to push and grind a little. She realized for all the snide ugly remarks in her old world, THIS Nicole was NOT the ladder climbing, back biting bitch and Denise felt tall and strong to finally have the upper hand.
"Well, yes, but I wasn't sure. Last time you said ..."
"Well I guess I'm feeling generous and I'm saying NOW that you should take care of these. Do you think that you can do it correctly or do I need to find someone else?"
"NO no I can do it." Nicole's hair fell in her face covering puffy eyes and thin lips. She was not the stark raven beauty that Denise was used to seeing. There were no fitted blouses to accentuate her bustline or skirts a smidgeon too short. She looked almost frumpy. There was satisfaction on Denise's face and deep down.
"See that you do. I want it tomorrow." she turned before Nicole could see her lip quiver. She dabbed it and leaned on her desk to steady herself. Never had she given an order. CERTAINLY not to Nicole, who was quick to run to their boss, Josh, who used her as a release for his sexual tension and enjoyed handing her blatant "pet" status. Somehow Denise knew this mouse of a woman wasn't Josh's "pet". That left two of the three to see. The afternoon moved along. More funds shifted, more files piled on her desk and more delegating and dumping went on. It was nearing 5 when she saw Cindy and Josh leaning together packing up to go for the day. A smile crept across her lips.
"Where do you want to go tonight?" they almost giggled.
They stopped suddenly and glanced at the floor as if caught reading comics in church. "Heading home." Josh said and stood straight. He looked her in the eye and flashed a smile she had succumbed to once. He had needed a favor and used her, manipulated and lied to her for weeks to get her to finish a project that got him promoted. She did not feel weak kneed now as she once had.
"Actually, no. You are heading down to get me copies, find these files, make these edits and confirm these appointments. Then YOU ... " She turned toward Cindy who had begun to slink away in the hopes of not being recognized or addressed , focusing a glare that would have sent even the strongest superhero to the ground in agonizing pain. "Will research these clients' paperwork get them prepped for tomorrow and finalize these that need closing."
Cindy's shoulders fell and she toed the rug. "I have someplace to be tonight . I can't."
A tight smile stretched across Denise's face. "I have some place I"D like to be tonight too but I know what's important. If you don't, then as your superior, I have both the obligation and desire to show you. Too Bad Cynthia. Work or don't. But if you choose not to, you will not need to worry about all. Josh? Do you have somewhere YOU"D rather be? Gosh, maybe we could just order in some awful Chinese food and laugh a lot ..." rolling her eyes, she dumped stacks of folders between them and left. Stunned, they stood and looked after her missing the chance to catch those papers slipping out of folders, fluttering and drifting to the ground.
"...After you clean THAT up though...." she flipped.
Her smile was from ear to ear and she nodded with apporval for her first day in a new pro-Denise world. She left them in dim lights and frustrated mutterings. Enjoying the Karma that had revisted so justly in her mind. she couldn't wait to share her day; her victories.
"NEVER give them ANYTHING!" came the furious shout. she watched herself slam and stomp around.
"THIS is EXACTLY what I told you NOT to do!" Denise didn't understand. She had shuffled her jobs, made others hop and work like dogs for her... How could it be wrong?
"But I didn't screw up your accounts. I made all the transfers. I ..."
"YOU are an IDIOT!" came the shout. She stared at herself incredulously. "Those accounts are PRIVATE and ALL my responsibility. There IS no room for error. There IS no one else to do what I do."
Denise stood quietly and let herself finish; feeling embarrassed and humiliated by the angry breath in her face and the pointed manicured nail that poked at her.
"I don't know WHAT you did or HOW you survived in your drab little shameful excuse for a life, but you WILL NOT bring that crap into MY world! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? That is MY money and ONLY MINE! I have earned this"
She was stunned. And disappointed, blinking back the tears and astonishment.. "Who ARE you?" she asked softly.
The smile was wry and cruel "Everything you wanted to be. Remember? Be careful little girl of what you ask for because you JUST might get it. DON'T expect to work for me tomorrow. go shop or get our nails done or something pretty. Youre not much use for anything else."
Denise felt her shoulders droop always. She looked at the ground and felt any power or credibility she'd given herself spill out on to the floor.
"No wonder you tried to off yourself."
And Denise watched herself storm down the hall. "MY money..." she mocked and made a sour face. Then it hit her ~ My money. Her mind began to churn and it was HER turn to smile.
And so we have story number two from "The Mirror". I have been fighting direction of this for weeks. It has been beyond frustrating but I think I am content where we are going. Hold my hand and come along. I hope it doesn't take me so long to write the next one!
My thanks to you; for coming over, writing, just checking in. I appreciate you. Let's get together soon and just enjoy each other. Sound good?
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The Lady with the Lantern
When the fire gets low and the voices quiet, she always comes up. The lady with the lantern. Now the stories often vary: She lost her bab...
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This is one of your better companion pieces. You don't typically follow through or do it particularly well, but this isn't bad. I see too clearly where you are going so I think you over simplified. Your side characters don't have enough depth but you have given Denise facets at least. Work the dialogue more and leave the other for character developement and better set up. Don't wait too long for the next one. You will lose your momentum. Needs some extra work but pretty good Little Girl.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I think. Ahhh you make my head hurt Tex. I really wasn't thinking of you. I was just writing. I wasn't trying to do anything but continue. If you liked it, then I am happy. If you didn't... Maybe next one will be better for you. Cut just a little slack Old Man. I need it.
ReplyDeleteDid you really do this? I hope so and as for the comments from Tex, well I'll bite my tongue. I hope there are some truths to these stories. Go baby go!
haha. some not all. :) Tex is my writing instructor. He's a tough ole squirrel isn't he? I don't mind most days. I'm glad you stopped by and enjoyed it.
Hugs back to you.