She didn't have time for his whining, crybaby act. Tonya needed Dan to be strong. It needed to be about her today with the big meeting. This was it. She would shatter the glass ceiling, make senior partner and at last be nestled solidly in the upper crust; as she deserved. Dan's sniveling and neediness were becoming tiresome and tedious. Tonya had promised herself to keep him around until the deal was done. Then she could rub elbows (and other fun parts) with the more affluent. Dan had served his purpose and letting him go would suit her next set of goals. Currently, he was following her as she dressed for her meeting. He was running on about something he wanted to talk about tonight. Something important something blah blah blah...
"mm-hmm. Yeah. No, I totally understand. Sure Sure uh-huh yeah, tonight would be great." she found herself stifling a yawn and willed herself not to roll her eyes at the ceiling as she placed her earrings.
"I just think it's time we take a step in the right direction Ton. Do what's best for both of us. I care so much about you and I want to be sure we are both on the same page, wanting the same things and life goals."
he had reached for her several times, to draw her in and hold her. She would step away or turn and he never quite got there.
"Yep. Goals. We need to make sure we have them and do what it takes to reach them." she added half-heartedly. "Now, my meeting is this morning and I should have the partnership by five. There will of course be a celebration with the other senior partners so don't wait up. I'm sure we will go to dinner or something." She let her mind drift to the champagne and admiring eyes as the older men welcomed her long legs and "valuable talents". Marcus Jansom in particular. His dark hair, green eyes and subtle innuendos had him high on the priority list of "mentors". Stealing him away from whoever had placed the gold band on his finger would be her next crowning achievement. She was barely able to contain what was quickly becoming disdain for her simple, soon to be ex-lover. Tonya didn't wait for Dan to finish getting ready. She didn't pour a cup of coffee for him nor did she say goodbye when she swooped up her briefs and keys heading for her newly purchased Lexus for the drive to the city, where she would park in her coveted spot in the company garage and then take a private car to the meeting where she would dazzle with her looks, her fierceness and tenacity; get the client and return to her surprise invitation to become partner. Busy day. She didn't have time to wait for Dan to tell her that he had drawn something meaningful at the park or seen something sad in a homeless wretch's eyes and felt the pang of guilt to capture it and make a statement with his art. She was too busy; plain and simple.
Dan stood and watched her walk down the hall, listened as her heels clicked along the tile. She hadn't heard a word; not in months. All the things he was trying to say had fallen on her self-important ears. He sighed and wondered how he had given his heart to someone who had none. Dan barely noticed that his palms had taken a pleading upward pose. He hung his head sadly and let her go. "Soon to be for good." he thought with a pang of guilt. Dan finished his routine. He walked downstairs to the kitchen and poured a cup for himself from the pot he'd made. He took a bite of the breakfast Tonya had refused. His mind began to wander and he felt his spirits lift. Soon he would see her. Lydia. The thought of her name brought a sweet, wry smile to his lips. He felt anticipation and joy to share his thoughts and sketches. He was anxious to share so much more with this lovely woman who thought so much like himself. She had an artiste's sense and view of the world and he had loved her for months. They met at the park every day and shared what they had seen, how they felt. They solved the world's problems on a park bench over sandwiches they made and split. She was a volunteer in many of the charities and art programs in the city. Unhappily married, she had recently asked for a divorce and shocked her husband who could not understand that she needed more than bobbles and an expense account. Giving what she lacked, she had endlessly encouraged Dan to submit his work, pound the pavement a little because of his interpretations of the world and political statements. She felt it was the right thing in the right place at the right time. In their eyes, society had become to self-serving and short sighted with the insatiable need for the instant and exotic. They were two peas in a pod, both preferring the slower, home made, more simplistic aspects of ... everything. He simply adored this woman. He patted the pockets of his quilted flannel jacket for the keys to his Altima and hunted for his sunglasses from Frank's drug store finding them comically already perched on his head. He left for the park and his Lydia.
Tonya buzzed around the office with a giddiness and falsetto laugh that caused the secretaries around her to glare and sneer. She was too quick and busy flitting around to see the daggers or feel the catty scratches as her name was hissed and giggled over with vicious snide remarks. No one particularly liked Tonya, her gluttony or greed. She was fake and was conveniently nice when it would suit a higher purpose ~ always her own. The partners, especially Marcus had been fooled. Talk in the quiet hallways and even more secretive bets had been placed as to when she would bed him. He was a known philanderer and although painfully easy on the eyes with a charm and seductive manner to match and be totally dreamy, he was "the one Mama warned ya 'bout". They would make a powerful, stellar couple hopefully saving two normal people; more snide snickers from the wicked peanut gallery. Tonya kept checking her watch. She was due to be picked up soon. The multi-million dollar client had been smitten with Tonya, insisting that she become their primary liaison. It had cinched her partnership.
"Lydia, the car is here for you. Are you ready?" Marcus leaned lazily in the doorway, his hands resting in his pockets. He appraised the woman, refusing to hide his leering gaze. "Looks like it."
"You bet." She smiled coyly. "I'm ready for anything. Let's do this."
"Want me to go with you?"
"Of course I do, but I know how busy you are." she pouted just enough for them both to understand.
"Let me get my coat."
"Great! Oh Marcus, I REALLY appreciate it. I will feel a little more secure with someone who knows ..."
"You don't need me. I want to watch you." he stopped and looked her over once more.
"I'd love that." Tonya grabbed her coat and headed for the door.
Again, the looks were exchanged, a little more hungry and personal. The secretary behind Marcus turned to the others in the office and poked her finger at the back of her throat to convey what shouldn't be said. The other hens smiled and nodded. The pair headed out to the car. Marcus' hand resting confidently, a little too low along the small of Tonya's back. She did not object. Once in the car, she permitted him to pat her knee, even caress it a little. If they hadn't been on their way to such an important meeting, so much more...
"Oh Marcus I hope we won't be late. I'd hate to not have enough time to prepare."
"You will be fine. You are ready for this." and he patted her again, sliding his fingers just around the back of her knee, drawing tiny circles.
"Yes. I. Am." she sighed and reached for him. "Very ready."
"Please pick it up a little Jonathon. We don't want to be late. This is a big day for our little girl."
Tonya giggled and playfully elbowed him. "Little girl..PLEASE."
"Of course Mr. Jansom."
Lydia looked out the window, reveling in it all. She loved that they were driving head first in to her dream.
Dan splurged on two bottles of pop and a couple of large, decadent cookies from Mike's bakery on the corner; smiling at the indulgence, imagining Lydia's crooked grin and crinkling eyes; like the most beautiful laughter you could paint. He felt the warmth spread through his body, anticipation at seeing her, sharing his latest sketches and the fantastic news that his grand first show in the city's premier gallery had been finalized and he wanted her to join him; to be by his side. He had tried to ask Tonya, knowing she would enjoy the spotlight but she had ignored him. He was facing the fact that he would need to move on. He wanted to do that with Lydia. These last few months had proven to him that he didn't have to be stuck in the limelight as a piece of insignificant fluff. He was valued in his own right, in his own domain; one Tonya had thought too simple and drab. Bitterly he shook his head, turning his collar to the wind and picked up his pace for the last couple of blocks. Seeing his lovely Lydia sitting quietly on "their" bench, made him pause and gulp at the moment. Her blond hair, short and spunky was covered slightly by a colorful fleece headband for her ears. He recognized her purple jacket and maroon gloves. She bounced her knees and looked around (for him) Seeing him, he felt time and space shrink as she waved and smiled warmly. He raised the bag in his hand in greeting. She stood and took a couple of steps. Dan stepped off the curb and began across as the light changed. His heart was singing under his ribs. He had to control his desire to run and scoop up the woman he loved, swinging her around in his arms and kissing her face until she laughed and begged him to stop.
Lydia had begun to walk toward him. Her graceful legs covered in brown corduroys. He grinned at her cherry red nose from the wind and her breath as she cupped her hands round her mouth and puffed to warm her cheeks.
"I have great news!" he shouted.
"Me too!" she laughed and continued toward him. She was at the curb, he in the middle.
"I got the show! It's official!"
Lydia squealed and clapped. Her arms opened wide. "FANTASTIC! Hurry up! I want to hug you!" she laughed.
"I am. I know. Me too. I love this!" he hollered back into the city's busy grunts and shouts.
"I love YOU!" she shouted and began to run toward him.
Dan stopped at the words; his heart fluttering, mind reeling. He opened his arms as well and laughed at the sky. Laughed at the honking cars and the grumpy people heading to work. The honking got louder and angrier. He turned with irritation to see a black Cadillac speeding through the red light; heading for Lydia. She froze and stared in horror as it raced for her.
"Jonathon! It's red. JESUS JONATHON THERE'S A WOMAN..." Marcus was all but crawling up over the seat to snatch the wheel and try to avoid the pedestrian who had appeared out of nowhere. Her purple coat and brown corduroys made her look like Grimace from the ancient McDonald's commercials. Marcus recognized her instantly because he called his wife Grimace that very morning. He couldn't understand what Lydia was doing in the middle of the road. This road. Then there was a man. A tall handsome man in a flannel. He pushed Lydia back to where she'd come; the curb. The safe curb. The thump was heavy and thick. The glass spidered and everyone in the car screamed. Tonya felt the jolt as the car slammed into the light pole bending it enough to cause it to topple, dividing the caddy sickeningly in half. Tonya did not feel the blow as her spine was crushed. She did not feel anything after that; ever.
Daniel had dropped his surprise for Lydia and run. His mouth was twisted from a smile to a scream of a horrified "NO" as the arms he'd opened to hold her, the hands he'd wanted to touch her face and hair turned rigid and harshly shoved her out of the way. The black car chomped at his leg, flipped him like a rag doll up on to the hood and through the glass. He felt tiny razors scratch and pull apart his flesh as he sailed through the windshield in to the lap of the man who had been told to hurry.
Marcus kicked at the door and finally freed himself from the metallic sarcophagus. He ran to the curb and grabbed at his wife.
"Oh my God Lydia!" He felt her hands and arms but realized after a moment that she was slapping at him and trying to scramble over him to the man bent awkwardly through the company car.
"DANIEL! My DANIEL" she was shrieking.
Daniel heard Lydia from far away calling for him. There were flashing lights and reassurances from emergency crews. He smelled Tonya's perfume though he was unable to turn to see if she was near. The stretcher bumped and chatted carelessly over shattered glass and potholes to the ambulance. Lydia was sobbing now. He raised his hand and opened his eyes. Everything was burning and bleary.
"Lydie?" he called softly.
"Shhhh sir. Please don't talk."
"I'm here I'm RIGHT HERE Daniel." He felt fumbling along his hand.
"Miss, will you be going with us..."
"Absolutely. Move over. Please just let me hold his..."
They tried to accommodate her and save him.
"Don't you dare leave me Daniel. I said I love you. You have to say it back. I'm waiting..." she laughed and cried and felt sick.
He squeezed her hand three times and drifted back in to the fog where there were no flashing lights or sirens. He would stay here until it was quieter. Three weeks. And Daniel would wake to find Lydia, frightened, a little frail but still beautiful and in love. They would make it; building a life to be envied.
Marcus stood with Jonathon as the police questioned and wrote and demanded. He watched the ambulance pull away with his soon to be ex-wife. He glanced over at the second one carrying his future to the morgue. His mouth felt tight and dry.
"What happens now?" he asked, wiping his face that suddenly looked haggard and old rather than distinguished and sexy.
"Well we will have to file charges and begin the process..." someone was stating matter of factly. To Marcus it sounded muffled and distant. "It's pretty plain and simple..."
Hello my dears!
Bah! I feel awful about not posting for so long. I have been wrestling with one for more than three weeks now and am ready to chuck it. I don't like to leave things, but I had to walk away .. for now at least. So here we are with this. I kind of like the twists though it feels a little quick and dirty. Anyway, I hope you like it and enjoy sitting with me for a few minutes.
I also wanted to welcome my latest, newest friends and say thanks for linking, tweeting, and Facebooking my blog to friends and family. I think it's great and a lot of fun to meet all of you. Thanks for the encouragement, emails and such. I am flattered and happy to have you stop by; any time.
So have a good week. Let's hope Spring has sprung. Until next time, be good to yourself.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
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