Her hair was thick and dark; long if you caught her on the weekends but this was Tuesday and so it was swooped up in a twist at the nape of her graceful neck. She walked confidently; though she never truly felt at ease in the city. She preferred her quiet home with its dense, peaceful woods. She had only a couple more blocks to get to her office. She began to scan the street, looking for him.
He was there. He did not try to hide. His prudish embarrassment had eroded in the months maybe even years of being homeless. The man was part of her scenery when trudging to work. Today he was sitting in the doorway of the abandoned bakery. She had bought him some cookies there once. Jennifer usually bought him something; a free meal, a few cookies, any little thing to give him some nourishment for the day. She didn't do it for all the homeless, but this man was different. He was always there when most came and went; drifting, disappearing, dying... it made her sad. But this man; stayed. This street; its abandoned storefronts, boarded up row homes were his neighborhood. He watched over it; protected it and what it contained. He was planted here no differently than the trees that flowered along the chipped, marked curbs; they were all rooted. If he was asleep, she left it, tucking it under his filthy blankets at his feet or at his side. His hair was knotted, matted and he smelled of neglect and sour misfortune. It seemed to Jennifer that once a month or so he was able to wash or rinse off. She shuddered to think of the murky, stagnant retention basins capped with green and yellow foaming algae; shiny with motor oil runoff, and cluttered with rubbish that she passed on her way in to the city each morning on her train ride. She wrinkled her nose as she drew up close to him and stooped to lay the breakfast sandwich at his side. He startled and grabbed her.
"It's ME. " she cried and tumbled back, nearly falling to the ground. The man looked at her for a long time through squinting suspicious eyes. "Free meal." she continued with a shaky smile. His long, dirty fingernails dug at her wrist. She wanted to pull away and run but she waited; trying not to scream. "He's just a man" she told herself. She only wanted to help him. She was afraid that if she reacted, the police would be called, he'd get in trouble. She waited, breathing through her mouth. His grip loosened and his fingers released her. He leaned in almost too close to her cheek. Jennifer tried not to wince and scowl as the odor slithered up her nose and threatened to bring tears. With his other hand he grabbed the sandwich and tore at the paper with his teeth. She swore she heard his stomach barking with delight. He sat back as egg yolk dripped down into the scruff of a beard he wore. His eyes seemed to brighten just a bit.
"Freebie" he gruffed and it was gone; devoured. He closed his eyes and seemed to fall instantly back to sleep.
Jennifer felt her heart begin to cautiously settle back down into her chest with a more regular beat. She stood and headed in to work. She had been doing this for several months now. He had been sitting there as long as she had been working in The Dungeon. She was an auditor and although her initial interpretation of the job she'd taken was to right the wrongs; she found that it was more often than not; distort the regulations to take back money and pad the pocketbook of the company. It got her commissions and she was able to pay off her school loans, get a nice house and be more than financially stable, but it left her heart a little smudged and blackened. This at least made her feel human.
She turned to look once more but he had moved on. Unperturbed, she began her day. It flew by, as she contacted the people she needed to, prepared documents for review, submitted original audits to new clients and resubmitted others. She fielded calls from irate "victims" and did her best to remember to drink water after chewing her morning dose of Tylenol. The headache; a daily visitor, had come early this morning.
"Hey Gorgeous. Wanna get a quickie?" The man had plopped himself on the corner of her desk on top her current review. She tugged at it simultaneously pushing his leg.
"Uhhh can't today. I'm behind on these regs and I am supposed to see the uhhh leeeet's see the bakery down on ..."
"It can wait. Have lunch with me; even if it's down at the caf."
Jennifer looked up and stared at his dark brown eyes. "Ew the caf? really? You're that desperate?" she smiled wryly.
Kevin stood and held out his hand. Theirs was a budding romance in the office. It was exciting, fun and new. Jennifer didn't know if it was "the one" but Kevin had been good to her, taken her to nice places and at least pretended to listen to her although she noticed his attention span was greatly sidetracked by other women and sports. She enjoyed what time they spent together and just felt like seeing someone for a while. It was nice to have a place to go, someone to have as company. She hadn't let him in her bed and he was beginning to hint that they become a "thing" and take a weekend romp together. Jennifer always changed the subject. She wasn't ready for that kind of commitment just yet.
"Okay, I'll slack but only for a few. I really need to get through that review, have my training set up for next week and also make that appointment" She twisted her watch, glanced and took his hand. "I'll buy today."
He raised his eyebrows and brought her hand to his lips. "I just love you modern women!" and they proceeded to the sandwich wagon outside. She ordered three dogs and some potato puffs. Kevin couldn't hide his reaction. She smiled and looked around.
Her "friend" had moved to the alley near the distraught row homes with boarded up windows and scabbing paint. He curled up in a doorway. Jennifer walked over and left the dog and potatoes at his feet, gently shook what was left of his shoe and smiled as he slowly squinted at her.
"Free meal"
"Freebie" he hissed and lunged forward to grab at it and almost inhale it; paper and all.
Kevin yanked her back and kicked at his leg.
"Hey! Don't be a douche!" he snapped; kicking him again.
The homeless man cocked his head as if he didn't understand; glancing quickly at Jennifer. Kevin leaned over, grabbed the poor man's thin filthy tee shirt and pulled him up toward his own face. His other hand was pulled back and already fisted. Stunned, Jennifer finally realized Kevin meant to hit the man. The hobo began to back stroke along the cement in an attempt to get away. Jennifer seized Kevin's wrist; pulling at him
"Hey! Hey! Kevin! Stop! What are you DOING?" she was appalled and shocked at his disdain for the man without a home, without proper shoes...without an identity or a life. It shouldn't make him a target.
The hobo balled up, covering himself as best he could; peeking at Jennifer through his fingers with confused eyes. She pulled Kevin again and got between the two men. She then knelt down and touched his arm.
"I'm sorry Sir. I just wanted you to have something to eat. My friend won't bother you again."
He bowed his head like a scolded puppy and wiped his face.
"Freebie" he muttered and gathered his nest of few things he had and began to scurry off; glancing over his shoulder. His eyes were squinted and glaring at Kevin; filled with anger it seemed to Jennifer. He left the food.
Jennifer stood sadly, her shoulders dropped. "I'm sorry." she whispered.
"You really need to be careful. Those things are like wild animals. Never know when one's gonna turn on you." Kevin sniffed and practiced a few uppercuts; though Jennifer couldn't imagine why. To impress....her? this made her heart sag a little more; sealing his fate with her.
"He's a man, Kevin. He has nothing. He's not eaten in however long. Don't be such an ass."
She turned and went back inside; ignoring him the rest of the day and rushing out to avoid him after hours.
She did not see the homeless man for several days after that. She had also refused to see Kevin. In short order, her life ground to a halt and she was quietly alone. She held mixed feelings on it. More than a month went by before her friends at last coaxed her into staying late and getting drinks after work at a local pub. She needed the time out to blow off steam. Work had been particularly brutal and so she gladly accepted. They proceeded to dance and drink and laugh. Jennifer was so glad she had come; until Kevin popped up out of nowhere.
"Well WELL ~ Isn't it Muhver Treeresa? Shoont you be propped up with a bum somewhere in a doorway?" the sour smell of Tangeray stung her nostrils. He leaned in too closely and gripped her arm. His speech was sloppy as was the kiss he tried to plant on her mouth. He swayed, lost his balance and almost toppled them both. With a huff of disgust, she twisted out of it and stepped away from him. Her friends gathered behind her, around her, hovering angrily. Bouncers quickly escorted. Kevin out the door but not without a mediocre display of indignant, false bravado by the drunken man. The girls began again, but for Jennifer the night was over. He'd spoiled her fun. With quick hugs and promises to do it all again soon, she pulled her jacket close and headed out into the night. She only had a few blocks to walk to the station but the humidity had dropped and it was chilly. She walked briskly toward the station carefully watching those that passed her or those that lingered in doorways and in side alleys. Most were just settling down for the night or on the move to a meeting that she wanted to know nothing about.
"Heeey... Heeeey"
She ignored the familiar voice and picked up the pace. Only a couple more blocks. She just wanted to go home.
"Heeey ~ Why you runnin? Slow dow Muhver Treesa." Kevin slurred and trotted up alongside. "Why you gotta be such a bitch now? We had sumpin good Treesa. Why you pick a stinkin bum over me?"
She kept walking and tried to think of an answer that would satisfy him so he would just leave her alone.
"It wasn't that Kevin. You're a great guy,"
"I KNOW. That's what I'm SAYIN" he rolled his head and chuffed; more gin wafted her way. Then he took her arm and yanked her back to him. she fell against him. He dragged her back into an alley. "Listen a me Lil girl. You aren't so hot shit."
She tried to keep the disdain from her face. She gritted her teeth and licked her lips, plastering a smile on her lips as she coyly touched his chest attempting to put some distance between them.
"Oh No Kevin. I don't think that at all. I just think you deserve someone more like you; prettier than me. Someone who can appreciate all you give. Someone more like you..."
"Like me? You don't LIKE ME?"
Jennifer sighed; frustrated with the drunk man's lack of focus and understanding.
"I like you Kevin. We just aren't a good couple."
"I like you too Jenfer. I think we do. I want to BE a couple."
He leaned in to kiss her; his mouth already open as if he intended to suck up her chin. His hands quickly wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. He grabbed at her backside.
Jennifer began to fight, but he was pulling her back in to the shadows; grabbing at her wrists and yanking her clothes. They struggled and she was frightened that even this pie-faced, he was winning. She called out for help hoping that she wasn't too far from the club to be heard. He pawed at her skirt. Their feet got tangled up and before she knew it they were tumbling to the ground; her head striking hard on the pitted, dirty street. She scrambled to stay out from underneath him but he was fast and pinned her to the ground. He panted and laughed as if they were passionately consumed; hoping only to remain undiscovered.
"Thass-it Baby. A couple" And his kisses began to drown her; hard and wet. He grunted and dug his hands into her skin, beginning to now tear at her clothes. Jennifer kicked and screamed. She flailed wildly and tossed her head. She tried to bite him if he came too close but he was too heavy and strong. The tears were furious and hot.
"Don't DO this Kevin. Stop!" but he was not hearing her.
Jennifer did not hear the footsteps. She did not see who hit Kevin and knocked him out. She was terrified and shocked when his body went limp and simply appeared to drain from on top of her. Jennifer curled into a ball and gathered her clothes and purse. Swiping the tears from her face she at last stood and looked into the dark alley. There was a quiet heavy thump and some tearing, more dragging and other thumps. She strained her eyes and took a step.
"Hello? Are you all right? You ... You saved me. You saved me." there was a rush of fresh tears and the heat of relief that she was safe. She took another step and heard a heavy moan. "If you're hurt I can call someone to help us. Oh God you saved me. He wa-was gonna.. Thank you. Thank you." The words fell warm and salty like her tears as she covered her mouth with her trembling hand. Pain was beginning to make itself known to her in scratches and bruises that would pop up over the next weeks.
There was a thick crunch as the stench of hot copper rolled over her.
"Hello?" she asked again. She walked toward the noise; feeling a chill crawl under her flesh and beg her to stop.
Then in the darkness she saw the flash of eyes; light eyes as they squinted and stared at her.
"Freebie." said the voice.
A pained groan crept along the ground; dazed and confused. Jennifer took another step.
"No." warned the voice. She stopped; strained her eyes against the night. The eyes flashed once more when Kevin began to moan and move or so she thought. Again she heard a juicy, heavy thump; a crunch and a dry laugh.
"Free meal." came the gravelly whisper.
Jennifer ran. She dashed for the station and prayed all the way home. She locked her doors and stayed inside for the rest of the weekend. She wondered how she didn't drown in her tears or choke in her fear.
Monday came. She stood tall, with her hair neatly twisted at the nape of her neck. She looked for him. He laid peacefully in the doorway of the old bakery. She stopped and knelt beside him taking his hand gently. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled gently at her.
"Thank you." she said.
"Freebie." he echoed again and rubbed his belly. His smile widened revealing teeth; long, sharp and too many in number to count; they were like needles. Jennifer rose without a word, turned and went to work.
So what did you think? I kind of like it. I worked on this one quite a bit; failing to get it to come around like I wanted but overall, I am pretty happy.
Well this week is a big and busy one.
I am heading to the lake for a HUGE hike that I am very excited about. The season is drifting by me and I just want to get out there in it. But enough about me. I hope you had a nice week. Thank you for stopping here and beginning again. May it be pleasant, smooth and filled with laughs. We all need those. Yes. Much more of those.
And so until next time: safe, happy travels.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
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