Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello my friends. I see the year is almost finished and I can honestly confess I am glad. I look forward to a few new beginnings and some VERY happy endings.

I am sorry I've neglected this.  I've thought of it and you so often, but I simply haven't had the heart to sit down and put "pen to paper" so to speak.  These last several weeks have found me more challenged, sad and angry than I have been in a long time. It's stunted my desire to even write; how unfortunate.

The upside? Well this is my weekend to shine.  I will have about thirty for our annual New Year's Eve blowout.  It's hard to believe we have done this for almost twenty years.  I am giddy to be surrounded by all my Yaya's and "Lakers".  I need this now more than ever. Selfish? Perhaps. But for wanting that, I will not apologize. For sharing it, I have no regret. My heart is beating just a little harder; warmer. All things considered, it feels good.

So travel well. Be safe.  When the ball drops and Dick Clark mumbles Happy New Year, know there will be fireworks abound up at Promises. This new year will be filled with that: Promises.

Save me a kiss at that magic hour and know I can't wait to share better, more spirited, creative time with you all.



  1. And a very happy New Year to you too Tess. Here is too new beginnings, happier times, and lighter hearts. CLINK!

  2. Thank you my dear. I couldn't wish or ask for anything more; may only the same come and visit you in the next year. Thank you for everything.


The Lady with the Lantern

 When the fire gets low and the voices quiet, she always comes up.  The lady with the lantern.  Now the stories often vary: She lost her bab...