Monday, February 28, 2011


Ahhh yes, I'm back out just a little more slowly this time.  I love George.  He was amazing in concert and there just is no way I can sit still during this song so I thought it was a nice re-inspiration. Dont worry, clearance was given and it feels great to get out and breathe...much to the disappointment of the dogs who don't understand that we can stay under the blankets forever.

I can only sit home for so long so let's get moving. 

Happy Monday.


  1. Ah yes, who doesn't love George! Glad to see you are moving. Also glad to see you have clearance, althought I cannot imagine who would be such a worry-wart to want to know that ;)

  2. LOL I can't imagine...and WHO would think for an instant that I would 1)do what I wanted anyway or 2) overdo it and become injured in some way

    bah. silliness.
    Thanks Doll for coming to visit. Always such fun.


The Lady with the Lantern

 When the fire gets low and the voices quiet, she always comes up.  The lady with the lantern.  Now the stories often vary: She lost her bab...